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Anna Veigel

Foto von Anna Veigel

Head of the international voluntary service "kulturweit"

at the German Commission for UNESCO

What did you study? / What training did you do?

I studied sociology and education sciences in Marburg and Edinburgh, as well as training as a systemic coach and process consultant


How did you get into your job?

It was the result of various work experiences at home and abroad, both in the NGO sector and in the economic sector


What were the last three things you did at work?

I held an annual staff appraisal, wished someone a happy birthday, and revised a project application


Are you saving the world?

No, but I hope to help the world gain more mutual understanding and compassion, and to improve communications among people.


Do you travel from protest to protest?



What does lobbying in your organization look like in concrete terms?

It takes the shape of a multitude of information and educational events with very different target groups all over Germany


What challenges you in your job?

A big but positive challenge is the communication and cooperation with numerous, different and versatile players and target groups, who all have different needs on different levels.