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Overview of occupational fields

On this page, we would like to introduce you to typical occupational fields and some of the specific job profiles associated with them, for which you can qualify by studying at the University of Potsdam. In addition to information and links to relevant employment websites, we have also included one of our testimonial interviews for each profession as a special treat.

The texts are primarily intended to give you a basic overview and provide suggestions for your own research. This means, for example, that we will show you what specializations there may be in the field of counseling, but we will not describe every sub-area from addiction counseling to pregnancy counseling in detail. Many of the professions can be classified into various clusters. In these cases, we will include a link to neighboring occupational fields. Given that there are countless occupational choices, the site will always be somewhat incomplete, but we are constantly working to fill it up.

Please note that for some of the professional fields mentioned below, additional specialization or further training may be necessary or advantageous in addition to the degree.

Some of the information on the sites listed below may only be available in German.

heart-shaped pages of a book

Education & Social Professions


Arts & Culture

Reichstag dome

Politics & Administration

chess timer

Consulting & Strategy

close-up of the front page of a German newspaper

Media & Language


Academics & Research

shoeprints on a sandy beach

Nature & Environment

rolled-up dollar bills

Management & Business

balance beam in a gym

Sports & Health