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Chair of Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment


Founding of the Interest Group "Positive Psychology“ in the DGPs

Positive Psychology is a comparatively young discipline that has gained popularity and attention in the early 2000s. The core concern is, unlike a perspective on dysfunctional processes (like in the sense of (psycho-)pathogenesis), to place a stronger focus on functional processes that are oriented towards positive subjective experiences as well as characteristics and institutions that have a positive effect and that make it possible to maintain or increase well-being as well as to be more resilient in dealing with current and future challenges. For many years, Positive Psychology has made an important contribution to a better understanding of psychological processes that promote the experience of positive emotions and states such as satisfaction and well-being.  It has developed, implemented and evaluated interventions on this basis.

The interest group therefore aims to bundle positive psychological research in Germany and to work together on questions of positive development on an individual, interpersonal and organizational level, on the description of differences in positive characteristics and experiences (in the sense of state-trait differences) and on the differential effectiveness of positive psychological interventions. National and international activities are to be networked and critically discussed. Challenges such as theory formation and method development in the positive-psychological spectrum are to be dealt with, and the role of contexts and settings (e.g. school, workplace) is to be examined in more detail from a positive-psychological perspective.

The interest group "Positive Psychology" is jointly led by a coordination team from the Department of Differential Psychology, Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics (Dr. Christina Ewert, e-mail: and the Department of Health Psychology (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Samuel Tomczyk, e-mail: and is open to interested parties from all disciplines. If you are interested, please contact us!




We warmly welcome our new team members Roman von Rezori and Lou Palme!

Preisverleihung für den Studieninnovationspreis für Innovative Lehrprojekte. Unser Projekt: "POST-Positiv Studieren von Anfang an" hat den 3. Platz gemacht

Award ceremony for the Study Innovation Award for Innovative Teaching Projects at the University of Potsdam.

Our project "POST-Positive Studying from the Beginning" took 3rd place.


Thank you very much Feel Good Campus for the support!

Preisverleihung für den Studieninnovationspreis für Innovative Lehrprojekte. Unser Projekt: "POST-Positiv Studieren von Anfang an" hat den 3. Platz gemacht

New research articles:

  • Tomczyk, S., & Ewert, C. (2025). Positive Changes in Daily Life? A Meta-Analysis of Positive Psychological Ecological Momentary Interventions. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. 17(1), e70006.
  • Jung, J., & Schröder-Abé, M. (2025). The Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Association of Grandiose Narcissism With the Quality of the Parent-Child Relationship. Collabra: Psychology, 11(1), 127421.
  • Asselmann, E., Bendau, A., Hoffmann, C. F. A., & Ewert, C. (2024). Self-compassion attenuates the effects of living alone on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Self and Identity, 23(7–8), 656–670.
  • Hoffmann, C. F. A., Schröder-Abé, M. ,& Ewert, C. (2024). The Role of Monitoring and Acceptance in Daily Affective Stress Reactivity — An Ambulatory Assessment Study. Journal of Mindfulness
  • Asselmann, E., Bendau, A., Hoffmann, C. & Ewert, C. (2024). Self‑compassion Predicts Higher Affective Well‑being and Lower Stress Symptoms Through Less Dysfunctional Coping: A Three‑wave Longitudinal Study During the COVID‑19 Pandemic. Journal of Happiness Studies, 25, 55,
  • Büchner, A., Ewert, C., Hoffmann, C. F. A., Schröder-Abé, M., & Horstmann, K. T. (2024, February 15). On the importance of being clear about the level of analysis of interest: An illustration using the case of self-compassion. Journal of Personality.
  • Ewert, C., Büchner, A., & Schröder-Abé, M. (2024).The mediating role of stress processing in the relation of self-compassion and affective well-being: Evidence from two longitudinal studies. Mindfulness.
  • Jung, J., Rentzsch, K., & Schröder-Abé, M. (2024). The development and correlated change of narcissism and self-esteem in adulthood. European Journal of Personality, 38(1), 85-98.