Chair of Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment
Dr. Christina Ewert
Research Associate
Campus Golm
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam
Building 14, Room 6.16
consulting hours
by appointment
Research Interests
- Personality and coping
- Stress and emotion regulation
- Mindfulness and self-compassion
- Resilience, well-being and mental health
Academic Degrees
- Dipl.-Psych. (2016, Universität Greifswald)
Scientific Articles
- Hoffmann, C. F. A., Ewert, C. & Schröder-Abé, M. (accepted). The Role of Monitoring and Acceptance in Daily Affective Stress Reactivity — An Ambulatory Assessment Study. Journal of Mindfulness.
- Asselmann, E., Bendau, A., Hoffmann, C. & Ewert, C. (2024). Self‑compassion Predicts Higher Affective Well‑being and Lower Stress Symptoms Through Less Dysfunctional Coping: A Three‑wave Longitudinal Study During the COVID‑19 Pandemic. Journal of Happiness Studies, 25:55,
- Büchner, A., Ewert, C., Hoffmann, C. F. A., Schröder-Abé, M. & Horstmann, K. T. (2024). On the importance of being clear about the level of analysis of interest: An illustration using the case of self-compassion. Journal of Personality,
- Ewert, C., Büchner, A., & Schröder-Abé, M. (2024). Stress Perception and Coping as Mediators of the Link Between Self‑Compassion and Affective Well‑being? Evidence From Two Longitudinal Studies. Journal of Mindfulness, 15, 372–388,
- Ewert, C., Hoffmann, C. F. A., & Schröder-Abé, M. (2022). Stress processing mediates the link between momentary self-compassion and affective well-being. Journal of Mindfulness, 13, 2269–2281,
- Ewert, C., Vater, A., & Schröder-Abé, M. (2021). Self-compassion and Coping: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Mindfulness, 12, 1063–1077.
- Ewert, C., Gaube, B., Geisler F. C. M. (2018). Dispositional self-compassion impacts immediate and delayed reactions to social evaluation. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, 125, 91-96.
Conference Presentations
- Ewert, C., Tomczyk, S. (2023, September). Positiv studieren – von Anfang an! Evaluation einer modularen, positiv-psychologischen Intervention zur Stärkung psychischer Ressourcen. In C. C. Christina Ewert (Chair), Positiv-psychologische Konstrukte und ihre Bedeutung für Persönlichkeit und Gesundheit - Differentielle und interventionelle Betrachtungen [Symposium]. 17. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik 2023 (DPPD), Salzburg, Austria.
- Ewert, C., Büchner, A. , Asselmann, E., Bendau, A. & Schröder-Abé, M. (2022, September). The mediating role of stress processing in the relation of self-compassion and affective well-being: Evidence from an ambulatory assessment study. In C. C. Christina Ewert (Chair), Embrace yourself! Relations between self-compassion, stress processing and mental health [Symposium]. European Conference on Personality (ECP20), Madrid, Spain.
- Ewert, C., Noack, E., Schröder-Abé, M. (2023, July). Self-compassionate coping with stress: A multilevel analysis on the relation between momentary self-compassion and coping and the influence of neuroticism. Presentation at the International Sosciety of the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID). Belfast, Irland.
- Ewert, C., Vater A., Schröder-Abé, M. (2018, September). Metaanalyse zum Zusammenhang von Selbstmitgefühl und Coping. Vortrag auf dem 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Frankfurt.
- Ewert, C., Geisler F. C. M. (2017, September). Die Rolle von Selbstmitgefühl auf die Regulation von Stress. Vortrag auf der 14. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik, München.
- Ewert, C. & Schröder-Abé, M. (2022, September). Perceived stress and coping responses as underlying mechanisms between the link of self-compassion and affective well-being. European Conference on Personality (ECP20), Madrid, Spain.
- Ewert, C., Wendel, R. , Hoffmann, C., F., A., & Schröder-Abé, M. (2019, September). Be a friend to yourself! How can self-compassion help in coping with daily hassles? Poster presentation at the 15th Conference on Personality and Psychological Assessment, Dresden.
- Büchner, A., Ewert, C., & Schröder-Abé, M. (2019, August). How does self-compassion increase well-being? An investigation of the underlying processes. Poster at the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences conference. Florency, Italy.
- Ewert, C., Wendel, R., Hoffmann, C., & Schröder-Abé, M. (2019, August). How does self-compassion foster well-being? An ambulatory assessment of daily stress processes and affect. Poster at the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences conference. Florency, Italy.
- Ewert, C., Vater A., Schröder-Abé, M. (2018). The relationship between mindful self-compassion and coping: A systematic review. Poster presentation at the International Conference on Mindfulness, Amsterdam.
- Ewert, C., Büchner, A., Schröder-Abé (2018). Don’t be so hard on yourself! The influence of mindful self-compassion on stress processing and well-being. Poster presentation at the International Conference on Mindfulness, Amsterdam.
- Ewert, C., Geisler F. C. M. (2016). Effekte von Selbstmitgefühl auf Stresswahrnehmung, Coping und emotionales Wohlbefinden. Präsentiert auf dem 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Leipzig.