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Katharina Kühne

Katharina Kühne
Photo: eigene Aufnahme


Katharina Kühne is a post-doc of the Potsdam Embodied Cognition Group (PECoG). She holds a diploma in language teaching, a master’s degree in Linguistics, a master’s degree in Cognitive Psychology and a PhD in cognitive sciences. Her research interests are social robotics, human-robot interaction, clinical neuropsychology, embodied language and number processing and bilingual language processing,Her expertise includes electroencephalography (EEG), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), grip force sensors as well as neuropsychological diagnostics and rehabilitation.


contact e-mail: ekaterina.kuehnegooglemailcom

room: 14.6.24






  1. Kühne, K., M. A., Bendel, O., Zhou, Y., & Fischer, M. H. (in press). Social, but still uncanny. In: Palinko, Oskar et al. (Hrsg.). Social Robotics: 16th International Conference, ICSR 2024, Odense, Denmark, October, 2024, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
    Springer International Publishing, Cham 2025.
  2. Kühne, K., Zimmer, L. M., Jeglinski-Mende, M. A., Bendel, O., Zhou, Y., & Fischer, M. H. (2025). Robots at arm’s length: Unveiling the dynamics of interpersonal distance preferences in Human-Robot Interactions. In Social Robots with AI: Prospects, Risks, and Responsible Methods (pp. 122-132). IOS Press.


  1. Kühne, K., Herbold, E., Bendel, O., Zhou, Y., & Fischer, M. H. (2024). “Ick bin een Berlina”: Dialect proficiency impacts a robot’s trustworthiness and competence evaluation. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 10, 1241519.
  2. Kühne, K., Bendel, O., Zhou, Y., & Fischer, M. H. (2024). Stand by me! A review of social facilitation and inhibition in interaction with artificial agents. [Manuscript submitted for publication].


  1. Kühne, K., Jeglinski-Mende, M. A., & Bendel, O. (2023). Tamagotchi on our couch: Are social robots perceived as pets? In R. Hakli, P. Mäkelä, & J. Seibt (Eds.), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. (pp. 755–759). IOS Press.
  2. Ibáñez, A., Kühne, K., Miklashevsky, A., Monaco, E., Muraki, E., Ranzini, M., Speed, L. J., & Tuena, C (2023). Ecological Meanings: A Consensus Paper on Individual Differences and Contextual Influences in Embodied Language. J Cogn., 6(1):59. doi: 10.5334/joc.228
  3. Gianelli, C., Kühne, K., Miklashevsky, A., Jeglinski-Mende, M. A., Canessa, N., & Borghi, A. M. (2023). COVID-19 and the perceived dangerousness of everyday objects: A behavioural online study in Italy and Germany. Collabra: Psychology, 9(1).
  4. Michirev, A., Kühne, K., Lindemann, O., Fischer, M. H., & Raab, M. (2023). How to not induce SNAs: The insufficiency of directional force. PLoS ONE 18(6): e0288038.
  5. Kühne, K., & Jeglinski-Mende, M. A. (2023). Refraining from interaction can decrease fear of physical closeness during COVID-19. Scientific Reports13, 7700.


  1. Kühne, K., Nenaschew, K., & Miklashevsky, A (2022). Space-valence mapping of social concepts: Do we arrange negative and positive ethnic stereotypes from left to right?. Frontiers in Psychology, 7808.
  2. Kühne, K., Fischer, M. H, & Jeglinski-Mende, M. A. (2022). During the COVID‑19 pandemic participants prefer settings with a face mask, no interaction and at a closer distance. Scientific Reports, 12, 12777.
  3. Kühne, K., Jeglinski-Mende, M. A., Fischer, M. H., & Zhou, Y. (2022). Social robot – Jack of all trades? Paladyn. Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 13, 1–22.
  4. Morey, R. D., Kaschak, M. P., Díez-Álamo, A. M., Glenberg, A. M., Zwaan, R. A., Lakens, D., Ibáñez, A., García, A., Gianelli, C., Jones, J. L., Madden, J., Alifano, F., Bergen, B., Bloxsom, N. G., Bub, D. N., Cai, Z. G., Chartier, C. R., Chatterjee, A., Conwell, E., … Ziv-Crispel, N. (2022). A pre-registered, multi-lab non-replication of the action-sentence compatibility effect (ACE). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29(2),


  1. Felisatti, A., Fischer, M., Kulkova, E., Kühne, K., & Michirev, A. (2021). Separation/connection procedures: From cleansing behavior to numerical cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 44, E5.


  1. Kühne, K., Fischer, M. H., & Zhou, Y. (2020). The human takes it all: Human-like synthesized voices are perceived as less eerie and more likable. Evidence from a subjective ratings study. Frontiers in neurorobotics, 14, 105.
  2. Kühne, K., & Mende, M.A. (2020). Noli me tangere. Unser peripersonaler Raum in den Corona-Zeiten. The Inquisitive Mind4
  3. Gianelli, C., Kühne, K., Presti, S. L., Mencaraglia, S., & Dalla Volta, R. (2020). Action processing in the motor system: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) evidence of shared mechanisms in the visual and linguistic modalities. Brain and
    Cognition, 139, 105510.


  1. Mende, M. A., Fischer, M. H., & Kühne, K.(2019). The use of social robots and the Uncanny Valley phenomenon. In Y. Zhou & M. H.   Fischer (Eds.), AI Love You: Developments in Human-Robot Intimate Relationships (pp. 41–73). Springer International Publishing.
  2. Gianelli, C., & Kühne, K. (2019). Is embodied cognition bilingual? Current evidence and perspectives of the embodied cognition approach to bilingual language processing. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 108.

Book chapters

  1. Kühne, K., & Gianelli, C. (2024). Neuropsychological methods: Patient studies. In: Felisatti, A., & Fischer, M. H. (eds.). Experimental Methods in Embodied Cognition. How Cognitive Psychologists Approach Embodiment (pp. 133–148). Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge.
  2. Laubrock, J., Miklashevsky, A., Kühne, K., Michirev, A., Jeglinski-Mende, M. A., & Felisatti, A. (2024). Continuous methods: Eye tracking, hand tracking, and grip force recording. In: Felisatti, A., & Fischer, M. H. (eds.). Experimental Methods in Embodied Cognition. How Cognitive Psychologists Approach Embodiment (pp. 49–69). Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge.
  3. Gianelli, C., & Kühne, K. (2021). Location, Timing, and Magnitude of Embodied Language Processing: Methods and Results. In: Robinson, M.D., Thomas, L.E. (eds) Handbook of Embodied Psychology. Springer, Cham.


1. Kühne, K., & Jeglinski-Mende, M.A. (2023). Sprache und Embodiment. Wiesbaden: Springer-Verlag.


Poster presentations

  1. Kühne, K., M. A., Bendel, O., Zhou, Y., & Fischer, M. H. (2024, October 22–25). Social, but still uncanny [Poster presentation]. 16th International Conference, ICSR 2024, Odense, Denmark
  2. Kühne, K., Waller, E-L. M., Bendel, O., Zhou, Y., and Fischer M. H. (2024, March 11–13). No Evidence of the Red-Attraction Effect in Human-Robot Interaction [Poster presentation]. Mind, Brain, Body Symposium (MBBS), Berlin, Germany
  3. Kühne, K., Herbold, E., Bendel, O., Zhou, Y., & Fischer, M. H. (2023, September 18–23). “Ick bin een Berlina”: Dialect proficiency impacts a robot’s trustworthiness and competence evaluation [Poster presentation]. 4th Summer School on Social Human-Robot Interaction, Chęciny, Polen
  4. Kühne, K., Lindemann, O., & Fischer, M. H. (2023, September 06–09). The SNARC effect relies on an egocentric frame of reference [Poster presentation]. 23rd meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP 2023), Porto, Portugal.
  5. Jeglinski-Mende, M. A., & Kühne, K. (2023). Negation has a size! Number magnitude corresponds with set-size in linguistic negation, V12 [Poster presentation]. 10th Mind, Brain, Body Symposium (MBBS), Berlin, Germany, March 14–17, 2023.
  6. Kühne, K., Jeglinski-Mende, M. A., & Bendel, O. (2022, September 15-19). Tamagotchi on our couch: Are social robots perceived as pets? [Poster presentation]. Robophilosophy Conference, Helsinki, Finnland.
  7. Jeglinski-Mende, M. A., Kühne, K., & Fischer, M.H. (2022, March 16-18). Shaping Negation - Spatial-Numerical Associations in Negative Numbers [Poster presentation]. 9th Mind, Brain, Body Symposium (MSSB), Leipzig, Germany.
  8. Kühne, K., Fischer, M. H., & Jeglinski-Mende, M. A. (2022, March 16-18). Shaking hands in the face of danger? Interpersonal distance, peripersonal space, pro- and anti-social consequences of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic [Poster presentation]. 9th Mind, Brain, Body Symposium (MSSB), Leipzig, Germany.
  9. Kühne, K., Mende, M. A., Fischer, M. H., & Zhou, Y. (2022, January 25–28). A friend in need: Loneliness and the duration of isolation enhance the acceptance of social robots [Poster presentation]. 40th European Workshop in Cognitive Neuropsychology (EWCN), Bressanone, Italy
  10. Gianelli, C., & Kühne, K. (2017, October 19-21). Eat Pray Love. Processing of concrete and abstract verbs by native and non-native speakers [Poster presentation]. CIMeC Conference "Ten years of Mind/Brain Sciences at the University of Trento”, Rovereto, Italy.  
  11. Gianelli, C., Kühne, K., Mencaraglia, S., & Volta, R. D. (2019, May 2-5). Action semantics in the motor system: TMS evidence of shared mechanisms in the visual and linguistic modalities [Poster presentation]. Rovereto Workshop on Concepts, Actions, and Objects: Functional and Neural Perspectives, Rovereto, Italy.
  12. Zhou, Y., Kühne, K., & Fischer, M.H. (2019, September 25-28). Perception of artificial voices – an auditory Turing test [Poster presentation]. ESCoP Conference, Spain, Tenerife.
  13. Gianelli, C., Kühne, K., & Rugani, R. (2017, September 3-6). Numerical magnitude spatially biases unusual responses. [Poster presentation]. ESCoP Conference, Potsdam, Germany.


Conferences and invited talks

  1. Kühne, K., Zimmer, L. M., Jeglinski-Mende, M. A., Bendel, O., Zhou, Y., & Fischer, M. H. (2024, August 20-23). Robots at arm’s length: Unveiling the dynamics of interpersonal distance preferences in Human-Robot Interactions [Conference presentation]. Robophilosophy 2024, Aarhus, Denmark
  2. Kühne, K., Herbold, E., Bendel, O., Zhou, Y., & Fischer, M. H. (2024, March 17-20). “Ick bin een Berlina”: Dialect proficiency impacts a robot’s trustworthiness and competence evaluation [Conference presentation]. 27 th Conference of Experimental Psychologists TeaP, Regensburg, Germany
  3. Kühne, K., Nenaschew, K., & Miklashevsky, A (2023, March 26-29). Space-valence mapping of social concepts: Do we arrange negative and positive ethnic stereotypes from left to right? [Conference presentation]. 26 th Conference of Experimental Psychologists TeaP, Trier, Germany
  4. Kühne, K., & Jeglinski-Mende, M. A. (2022, August 29 – September 01). Face masks as social instruments? Effects on estimated interpersonal distance and implicit perception of danger during the COVID-19 pandemic [Conference presentation]. 22nd meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP 2022), Lille, France.
  5. Miklashevsky, A., & Kühne, K. (2022, August 29 – September 01). Situated flexibility of time concepts: The role of task [Conference presentation]. 22nd meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP 2022), Lille, France.
  6. Kühne, K., &Miklashevsky, A. (2021, September 20-29) Where is your time? Focus on spatial language activates horizontal time representations [Conference presentation]. Embodied and Situated Language Processing Conference. Current Directions and Future Perspectives (ESLP 2021), online.
  7. Gianelli, C., Kühne, K., & H-Kivanani, N. (2018, May 25 – 27). On grasping and being grasped: processing active and passive language in the motor system [Conference presentation]. MeeTo 2018: from moving bodies to interactive minds, Turin, Italy.


Katharina Kühne
Photo: eigene Aufnahme