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Module manual

Attention: For all new students from WiSe 2019/20 onwards, the new study regulations apply!

The module manual (German: Modulhandbuch) summarizes the current courses offered by the master's program. It is updated every year.
For the transitional period of about 2 years, there is a version for the expiring German Master program "Ökologie, Evolution, und Natuschutz" (German abbreviation: MÖEN):

Module Handbook MÖEN PDF currently available for all students enrolled before the WiSe 2019/20!
Please compare your chosen courses with the course catalog for MÖEN in PULS and read the comments there.

Attention: All students enrolled until WiSe 2019/20 continue to study the old degree program MÖEN according to the old study regulations.

Since the master's program has been internationalized since WiSe 2019/20, he is then called Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation (EEC). Therefore, there is a new English version of the module manual in parallel. For all new students, the English module manual is valid from WiSe 2019/20. Watch out for updates to this module guide - we'll keep updating the content!

Module manual EEC English PDF for MEEC students.

Please compare your chosen courses with the course catalog for EEC in PULS and read the comments there.

Photo: Working group of Animal Ecology