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Upcoming Defences

Please note the following when contacting us:

  1. Contact only the secretary master-eecuni-potsdamde
  2. Choose a meaningful subject for your email
  3. Content for initial enquiry: state your full name, matriculation number, course of study, valid study regulations (old/new?), and the exact module you are interested in.
  4. Content of follow-up emails: If necessary, copy previous correspondence with the date into your emails (i.e. use the reply button of your mail programme if necessary).
  5. Explain the facts clearly
  6. State your specific question to us
  7. Please be as brief as possible in general
  8. Please append your first and last name to the file name of ALL documents you send us.

Thank you for comprehension

The following master thesis defences are currently in progress in the Institute of Biochemistry and Biology:


Nicole Glinski
Thursday, 27.06.2024 12:00
Maulbeerallee, Haus 2, Raum 2.01 (
First Supervisor: apl. Prof. Dr. Guntram Weithoff
"Competition between the invasive cyanobacterium Raphidiopsis raciborskii and two phytoflagellates at different environmental conditions"