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Final Theses

At the end of your studies is the final thesis.

If you decide to write the Bachelor's or Master's thesis at Prof. Borck's chair "Public Sector, Finance and Social Policy", the chosen topic should be relevant to the field of study. In addition, it is advisable to choose the topic from your own field of interest. After receiving the acceptance of your application, you organize your final thesis according to the chair's schedule.

Requirements for the supervision of your your thesis at the Chair of Public Sector, Finance and Social Policy

Prerequisite for the supervision of your thesis at the Chair of Public Sector, Finance and Social Policy is the attendance and successful completion of a specialisation course of the Chair. In order to get an idea of the planned topic and its overlap with the chair, we also ask each student to send a short letter of motivation that roughly describes the intention of the thesis as well as its relevance.

Send your complete documents, consisting of

  • current performance overview from PULS
  •  letter of motivation (max. 500 words)
  •  list of 2 topics


30th September

15th March

via the chair secretariat (Annett Wadewitz, sek-lsfiwiuni-potsdamde).

The decision about the supervision of the thesis at our chair will be made after the application deadline. You will be informed about the decision via email.

In parallel, please observe the formal guidelines of the corresponding study and examination regulations in the respective degree programmes. You will find important information on the pages of the examination office of the WiSo Faculty. The contact person is Ms Ricarda Stremlow. (Formal registration at the responsible examination office)


Instructions for the Registration and Supervision of the Thesis
at the Chair of Public Economics


Information of the Faculty

Representative for Study Organisation & Examinations for Economics: Ms. Stremlow

General Information

You find it on the pages of the Central Examination Office/Studies Office of the University of Potsdam.

List of Optional Topics

We offer you a list of topics, which are related to the chair's research and teaching focus and support you in choosing your individual topic and research question.