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Networks & Facilities

Our research builds on well-established scientific and infrastructure networks that are maintained by one or more of the involved institutions. These networks have been the basis for many successful collaborations. We are constantly extending and adding networks to perform cutting edge research that tackles the fundamental, global challenge of rapid biodiversity change. Currently, our partners from ATB are setting up a new experimental infrastructure, the Leibniz Innovation Farm (InnoFarm), which will allow detailed observation of natural systems using automated high-tech methods and large-scale experimental manipulations on a commercially managed presicion-tech farm.

BBIB integrates competences in ecological, evolutionary, social, and political sciences across universities and extramural research institutes to tackle the challenges of global biodiversity change

ScapeLabs are designed to test concepts and lab studies at relevant spatial scales. They provide an efficient infrastructure for collaborative experiments and longterm data collections.

The Leibniz Innovation Farm is a high-tech infrastructure project to explore long-term solutions to conflicting goals between commercial agriculture and ecosystem health

The old farmstead serves as UP research station since 1975. It is located in a nature reserve consisting of water bodies and floodplains, making it ideal for the study of dynamic landscapes

Since 1993, the IZW conducts ecological research on various native wildlife species in Niederfinow.

The outdoor facilities are used to study ecological questions on population biology, species community, movement ecology and behavioural ecology.