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Dr. Gaurav

Academic Staff Member

Institute for Biochemistry and Biology
University of Potsdam
Potsdam, Germany

Email: gaurav.sablokuni-potsdamde

I'm based in Germany as Academic Staff Member at Bioinformatics, Institute for Biochemistry and Biology at Universtat Potsdam(UP) .

You can contact me at gaurav.sablokuni-potsdamde.

Highly communicative, motivated, task oriented, feature responsive, time oriented, approachable, solution seeker and initiative taker focussed professional person.
Bioinformatics |  Deep Learning | DevOps | Generative AI | Graphs
Bioinformatics: genomes, transcriptomes, organelle, metagenomes and metatranscriptomes, evolutionary and phylogenome analysis.
Species: plant, bacterial and fungal.
Sequencing platform Illumina, PacBio, Oxford Nanopore.
Deep learning: PyTorch, Tensorflow, CatBoost, XGBoost, Sklearn, Keras and other machine and deep learning
DevOPs: Git,Docker,Kubernetes and Terraform for container orchestration.
Job Scheduler: Skilled in both pbs and slurm. Established computing cluster and blades.
Git management: Github commandline and GitKraken inlcuding stagging, rebasing, stashing, commiting
Generative AI and Graphs.
You can read the curriculum vitae here: curriculum vitae and citations, and web of science
You can read the employers references and what they say about me employers.
Open to collaboration on Bioinformatics, Deep Learning, Generative AI, and DevOPs.

Soft Skills

I am very pro-active in making communication and upskilling on emerging trends.
Proficient in developing new approaches for better integration and minimal interactions, ease of access approaches.
Profile development by reading about the latest trends in code, personal and professional development.
Prefer office space work but also open to remote work 1-2 days.
Efficient in time and project requirements, approaches and solving limitations.

Bioinformatics: Python, R, Ruby, Awk, Shell, Nushell, Scala.
Deep Learning: Python, R, Scala, learning Julia, learning graphsAPI.
DevOPs: Shell, NuShell, Awk, Ruby, HashiCorp, Python
Web Application: Streamlit, Shiny, Django, Scala, HTML and Tailwind CSS
Static documentation: Markdown, ReadTheDocs, MKdocs, Jekyll and Ruby
Templating engine: jinja and jinja2, jq and yq
Bioinformatics templating: Nextflow, Snakemake


2006 – 2009          PhD, JNV University

2005                        Master of Sc. (Biotechnology, First position), MGIAS, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India.

2003                        Bachelor of Sc.(Biotechnology) – LMCST, Jai Narian Vyas University, India



2024: Academic Staff Member, University of Potsdam, Germany.

2022-2023: Self-employed Bioinformatics, DataScience, Machine and Deep Learning, DevOPs.

July 2017- Dec 2021: Postdoctoral Researcher, Finnish Museum of Natural History (Botany), Finland.

Aug 2016-Jan 2017: University Fellow, University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA.

Sept 2014-Sept 2016: Research Fellow, University of Technology Sydney, Australia.

Sept 2011-Sept 2014: CoCoPro, Fondazione Edmund Mach, IASMA, Italy.

Dec 2010-Aug 2011: Visiting Post-doc Researcher, Huazhong Agricultural University, China.

2006-2009: PhD Candidate, Jai Narian Vyas University (JNVU), India.

2005-2006: Adjunct Lecturer (Biotechnology), MGIAS (University Affiliated college), India


Fellowships and Travel Grants

2014-2016: UTS Internal Start-up Grant ($20K) Project Role: Principal Investigator.

2015-2016: KARORA: Graphic driven platform independent proteomics workflow for spectral libraries (2016) University of Technology Sydney ($15K) Project Role: Principal Investigator.

2012-2014: Awarded CoCoPro Fellowship for “Developing NGS tools and techniques for large scale methods implementation in transcriptomics and genomics.

2011-2012: Awarded EU Postdoctoral Fellowship (BIOMASFOR) “Enhancing biomass potential for European forest using NGS technologies”.

2012: Awarded travel grant by European Conference on Computation Biology, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (ECCB, 2012) for presenting FungPROTDB: Database of protein homo-repeats in fungal proteomes and secretomes.

2010-2011: Chinese Fellowship “Developing transcriptomics tools for Disopyros kaki”.

2011: Awarded Prestigious DS Kothari Post-Doctoral Fellowship by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (Award Number BL/10/0057) on Identification of potential stress related microRNAs in Wheat and Pennisetum. Project Role: Principal Investigator.

2006-2009: Awarded University Research Fellowship on Doctoral Dissertation, Computational Mining of Phyto-Diversity Resources of Rajasthan and Analysis of Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR’s), Biotechnology Centre, Jai Narian Vyas University, India.

2009: “Molecular Characterization and Prediction of Interspecies Diversity in Acacia’s for Sustainable Rehabilitation through Agroforestry”- F7(7)/DST/SP/2009/343-355. Funding: State Department of Science and Technology, Rajasthan, India. Project Role: Principal Investigator.

2008: Molecular Characterization of the Prosopis cineraria: A sustainable move towards conservation of Biodiversity of Arid Regions”- P35/DST/2008/2227. Funding: State Department of Science and Technology, Rajasthan, India. Project Role: Principal Investigator.



Gagnon E, Hilgenhof R, Orejuela A, McDonnell A, Sablok G, Aubriot X, Giacomin L, Gouvêa Y, Bohs L, Dodsworth S, Martine C, Poczai P, Knapp S, Särkinen T (2020) 

Phylogenomic data reveal hard polytomies across the backbone of the large genus Solanum (Solanaceae)

American Journal of Botany 109:580-601