Current Projects
- Breeding coffee for agroforestry systems (BREEDCAFS), EU Horizon 2020 (2017 - 2019)
- Metabolic Engineering mit lichtkontrollierten Modulen (MELICOMO) BMBF (2017 - 2019)
- Unraveling the contribution of soil biodiversity to maize growth and fitness through combined omics-based in silico modeling and reconstruction biology (RECONSTRUCT), BMBF (2017 - 2019)
- Maximizing photosynthetic efficiency in maize (FULL THROTTLE), BMBF (2018-2019)
- A systems biology approach to decipher the molecular mechanisms of plant ageing in Haberlea rhodopensis, MPG (sequencing fund) (2017)
- Muti-trait trade-off and plasticity in Arabidopsis, Proposal for the first funding period of DFG SPP 1819 (2015-2018)