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Adina Eggert
Photo: privat

Faculty Council / Adina Eggert

Phone: 2605  /  room: 1.09  /  e-mail: adina.eggertuni-potsdamde 

Matters of the Faculty Council / elections / central websites of the faculty / Public Relations / support of Examining Boards and admission procedures / students’ and teachers’ counseling

Adina Eggert
Photo: privat
Photo: privat

Research  /  Anika Rothewolle

Telefon: 2007  /  Raum: 1.06  /  E-Mail:

Research matters / support of the chair of the Commission of Research and Young Academics

Photo: privat
Photo: privat

Doctorates und habilitation  /  Albrecht Dreißig

Phone: 2165  /  room: 1.03  /  e-mail: albrecht.dreissig.1uni-potsdamde

Doctorates and habilitationen / young academic talents / internationalization efforts

Photo: privat
Suanne Schmidt
Photo: privat

Structural planning  /  Susanne Schmidt

Phone: 2465  /  room: 1.08  /  e-mail: susaschmidtuni-potsdamde

Professorial matters / Human resources / coordinator of professor appointments

Suanne Schmidt
Photo: privat