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News from the University of Potsdam

Selected Subject:
Prof. Dr. Rebecca Lazarides

Pepper, ChatGPT & Co. - How intelligent tutoring systems are changing teaching

With its triumphant advance, ChatGPT has proven its worth: AI has arrived at work, university - and also at school. More than half of schoolchildren …
Prof. Dr. Martin Brunner and Dr. Lena Keller

Girls and Math? – Girls and Math! – How Gender Influences Students’ Achievement and Motivation

Women now make up more than half of all students at German universities. In subjects such as physics, engineering, and computer science it looks …
Prof. Dr. Nina Kolleck

Education Without Borders – Nina Kolleck investigates how NGOs are changing education systems worldwide

Across borders, more digital, and more private – how is education changing against the backdrop of globalization? Does education stop at national …
Prof. Dr. Miriam Vock

Enormous gains – Eight years ago, Miriam Vock initiated Germany’s first qualification program for refugee teachers

How would I feel if I had to flee with my child from war and persecution to a foreign country, a country whose culture I don't know and whose language …
Illustrations cognitive sciences

“Now is the right time and this is the right place“ – In Potsdam’s cognitive sciences, researchers from different disciplines have been working together successfully for many years

The cognitive sciences deal with the information processing and structures of an intelligent system – be it humans or machines. In Potsdam, cognitive …
Kids in a school going upstairs

“Transfer is Not a One-Way Street” – Educational researcher Prof. Hanna Dumont is counting on dialogue with schools and a theory of change

The shock after PISA ran deep. Hanna Dumont was a student when she was confronted in her pedagogy course with the fact that educational inequality was …
Die "international Summer School" vor dem Haus 9 am Neuen Palais

University of Potsdam hosts “Teaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship“ Summer School for student teachers from 11 partner institutions.

How can the UN Sustainable Development Goals be taught and integrated into schools and classrooms? What knowledge, attitudes and skills do learners …
Studierende auf dem Innenhof von Haus 8 Am Neuen Palais

Education for Sustainable Development – International Summer School for Future Teachers

The international Summer School “Teaching the SDGs - Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship,” which will take place from August …
Prof. Dr. Rebecca Lazardides.The photo is from Ernst Kaczysnki.

Digital Learning – What the Corona pandemic reveals about the digitization of school education

The digitization of school and teaching is often connected to the objective of preparing learners in the best way possible for participation in …
Auf dem Portraitfoto ist Frau Professorin Isolde Malmberg zu sehen. Das Foto ist von Tobias Hopfgarten.

The Time of Open Ears – New in Potsdam: As Professor of Music Education and Music Didactics, Isolde Malmberg is committed to strengthening her subject

Born in Linz, she moved to Vienna for her studies. There was no getting around music here: the Opera, the concert halls, the clubs and salons. Music …