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News from the University of Potsdam

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Aileen Oeberst in her office

Misjudgments and False Memories – The newly appointed professor Aileen Oeberst knows the pitfalls of human information processing

To err is human – this is a commonplace truth. Fortunately, when we make mistakes, the impacts are usually less serious than we fear. But there are …
Maren Völz steht in einer Bootshalle.

“Strength, Endurance, and the Right Technique” – Potsdam student Maren Völz rows in the national team

“It feels great to glide across the water,” Maren Völz says enthusiastically. However, the rower knows from many years of experience that it takes a …
Three apparently unhappy examiners ask the test subject to solve difficult problems and pose uncomfortable questions.

Stress Fest at the Stress Test – A visit to Prof. Dr. Pia-Maria Wippert’s laboratory

A plain and white-painted room in the historic building no. 12 at Neues Palais, one table, three chairs. Nothing suggests that things are about to get …
Illustrations cognitive sciences

“Now is the right time and this is the right place“ – In Potsdam’s cognitive sciences, researchers from different disciplines have been working together successfully for many years

The cognitive sciences deal with the information processing and structures of an intelligent system – be it humans or machines. In Potsdam, cognitive …
Zwei Arme halten jeweils ein Smartphone in der Hand worauf zwei Bilder zu sehen sind, die zusammengesetzt eines ergeben.

The Island of the Language of Love – With their app LoveLane, Heike Kraft and Carolyn Litzbarski want to make couples happier

Who doesn’t wish for the perfect, happy relationship? Reality, however, is often different: Many partnerships fail, the divorce rate in Germany is …
Prof. Barbara Höhle

Instructive Babble of Voices – Inside the Potsdam BabyLAB – Lab Visit (instead of) Self-experimentation

Little Mathilde is the star of the day: Laboratory coordinator Tom Fritzsche welcomes her and her mother.  Afterwards, Dr. Alan Langus, a member of …
Prof. Dr. Petra Warschburger im Interview

Chronically Ill – How Do You Get Through the Corona Pandemic?

Imagine you are ill, have been ill all your life. And then comes Corona. While everyone is talking about vulnerable groups, you are one of them. What …
Eye movement measurement

In the Blink of an Eye – Eye movements can reveal a lot – A junior research group investigates what exactly

Eye movements have long been a subject of research. For decades, cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics have been analyzing eye movements to …
The Researchers Dr. Paulina Tomaszewska (left), Prof. Dr. Barbara Krahé (middle) und Dr. Isabell Schuster (right). The picture is from Tobias Hopfgarten.

Sexual Aggression – Psychologist Barbara Krahé and her team want to strengthen the competencies of young adults in sexual situations

#MeToo caused a stir – not just online, but also in people’s minds. Many now interpret touch, gestures, and words as sexual assault, which they might …
Prof. Dr. Barbara Krahé | Photo: Sandra Scholz

33 Questions to psychologist Prof. Barbara Krahé

Is violence concentrated on the left or on the right? Is sexual aggression gender-specific? To what extent does the TV series “Tatort” affect viewers? …