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News from the University of Potsdam

Selected Subject:
Forschungsschwerpunkt Kognitionswissenschaften
Robot Nao in the office together with Katharina Kühne

Did You Know … That Potsdam Robots Speak Berlin Dialect? – Katharina Kühne researches our relationship to artificial agents

“Well done, enough work for today,” says Katharina Kühne. Then she presses a button on Nao’s chest; the robot sits down, and the blue light in its …
Martin Fischer in seinem Büro.

If I Could, I Would … Suspend the Laws of Nature! – with cognitive scientist Prof. Martin Fischer, Ph.D.

At least in the lab. My topic is “Embodied Cognition”. To understand it better, one of the things I would like to do is defy gravity. In the past, the …
Different social media buttons on a smartphone display.

Future Prospects – “SoMe4Dem” And How Social Media Can Damage or Strengthen Democracy

Fake news, manipulation, and opinion mongering – social media has made it easy to blur the lines between facts and opinions and influence public …
Uni-Präsident Prof. Oliver Günther, Ph.D.

“Ambitious But Not Presumptuous” – President Oliver Günther about research excellence at the University of Potsdam

The University of Potsdam wants to establish itself in the top tier of international research universities. For this purpose, it has submitted three …
Illustrations cognitive sciences

“Now is the right time and this is the right place“ – In Potsdam’s cognitive sciences, researchers from different disciplines have been working together successfully for many years

The cognitive sciences deal with the information processing and structures of an intelligent system – be it humans or machines. In Potsdam, cognitive …
Robot Nao

Face to Face – David Schlangen wants to enable artificial intelligence to interact with us in real time

Whether in an online help chat or when calling a service provider on the phone: communication with dialogue systems has become omnipresent. Most of …
Prof. Natalie Boll-Avetisyan

Early Detection at the Push of a Button – Prof. Natalie Boll-Avetisyan has developed a toy to indicate the risk of a language disorder

The teacher gives specific instructions: “When you have finished the exercise, pack the book, go to the shelf, and get a worksheet from the rack.” The …
Hund balanciert Kaffeetasse auf dem Kopf

Coffee with Dog – Milena Rabovsky analyzes language processing in the brain through neural networks and primarily relies on learning effects through prediction errors

Listen up: “The dog was bitten by the man.” – Got it? No? Good! When we read or hear something, our brain often already knows what will come next. …
Zwei Arme halten jeweils ein Smartphone in der Hand worauf zwei Bilder zu sehen sind, die zusammengesetzt eines ergeben.

The Island of the Language of Love – With their app LoveLane, Heike Kraft and Carolyn Litzbarski want to make couples happier

Who doesn’t wish for the perfect, happy relationship? Reality, however, is often different: Many partnerships fail, the divorce rate in Germany is …
Dr. Andreas Heißel. | Foto: Kaya Neutzer.

Step by Step - Why Exercise Therapy Can Help Treat Depression

Sport not only keeps you fit but can also heal - both body and soul. The study STEP.De examines how exercise therapy can be used to treat depression. …