Manfred Schewe, the father of drama in education, was a guest at the University of Potsdam
The students are listening to a text that is difficult to commit to memory. The sentences simply don’t make sense, like “I’m drinking a cup of bread,” …
Mathematical models of human brain functioning – Interdisciplinary Research in the DFG Research Unit “Computational Modeling of Behavioral, Cognitive, …
Physicists and psychologists have collaborated in interdisciplinary projects in Potsdam for about 20 years. What might at first glance seem surprising …
Vom 28.10. bis zum 01.11. findet das 21. Internationale Theaterfestival UNIDRAM in der Schiffbauergasse statt.
Orientierungslosigkeit, Ausgrenzung, Verfolgung, Gefangensein, Rebellion und Freiheit sind die Themen des diesjährigen Programms, das dafür zahlreiche …
Since early 2013, the Helmholtz Graduate School for Macromolecular Bioscience has been offering PhD students a structured, interdisciplinary training …