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Vanderbijlpark, 28/04/2015, day 4

After breakfast we are driven to the campus of the North-West University for the first time. There we have to forget about the German punctuality and get used to the relaxed South African way of handling things. After a little while, we all get our student ID and internet access. At the following planning session, we meet those students we met on Saturday evening and talk about our impressions and expectations. At lunch break, we discover the big, modern campus. We are surprised that there are gooses walking around freely. When sharing this impression with locals, they tell us that there are even monkeys on this campus. Unfortunately, we do not meet one this day. 

Everyone is very kind to us and many are interested to find out where we are from and what we are doing here. After lunch Prof. Susan Coetzee-Van Rooy and her husband Prof. Bertus Van Rooy give us a great introductory lecture about the North-West University, its linguistic institute and the language situation in South Africa. After this we return to our accommodation to have dinner and prepare our research material for the following days.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Wolf
Am Neuen Palais 10 
14469 Potsdam
Telefon: 0331/977-1494 
E-Mail: hgwolfuni-potsdamde, presseuni-potsdamde

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Text: Katja Wiegand, Translation:  Kristin Hofmann
Online-Editing: Agnes Bressa
Contact Us: onlineredaktionuni-potsdamde

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