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News from the University of Potsdam

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Dr. Jürgen Luh (SPSG) and Prof. Dr. Iwan-Michelangelo D‘Aprile. Photo: Karla Fritze.

The Versailles Model - With the Research Center Sanssouci, the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation and the University of Potsdam have set their sights on international cooperation

In 2013, Sabine Kunst, who at the time was Minister for Science, Research, and Culture for the State of Brandenburg, returned from Versailles. There …
Hare. Photo: Wiebke Ullmann

Movement in the Fields - Biologists research interactions between biodiversity and movement patterns

A good 50% of Germany’s land – about 18 million hectares – is used for agriculture. This land is subject to rhythms of plowing, sowing, harvesting, …

Dealing with Climate Change Impacts – the Potsdam Summer School starts with young talents from all over the world

From global sea level rise to extreme events like floods or droughts – even with ambitious climate mitigation, some impacts of climate change will be …
Man with dark glasses fells asleep and lies his had on a table. In one hand he holds a cup of coffee. In the foreground is an alarm clock on the table. Photo: Fotolia/katie martynova.

Good Morning, Twitter! - Language researchers discover social networks as a rich source of data

The ringing of the alarm clock is merciless. People who have difficulty getting out of bed, but love to stay up late, are called “owls” in …
Prof. Dr. Götz Schulze. Photo: Karla Fritze.

Believing in the Law or Following Your Faith? – Lawyer Prof. Götz Schulze discusses the relationship between law and religion

For thousands of years, religious canon formed the basic rules of social interaction and was both religious doctrine and law. Only for the last few …

“Technical Development Should Serve the People, Not the Other Way Around” – Prof. Key Pousttchi on German Engineering in the Era of Digitalization

Internet giants collect and trade our data; smartphones know us better than our friends and partners; cities monitor themselves using big data …
Prof. Dr. Florian J. Schweigert, Vice President for International Affairs, Alumni and Fundraising, warmly congratulated the first students on successfully obtaining their degree certificates. In our photo: Dr. habil. Ljuba Kirjuchina, Director of the Office of the StudiumPlus Course Committee, Dr. Doris Gebert, Director of the Center for Languages and Key Competences, with students Daniela Marie Gebbert, Henryk Meyer und Johanna Wagenknecht. Photo: Karla Fritze

Interculturally competent – The University of Potsdam awards a new supplementary certificate

The first students at the University of Potsdam are awarded the supplementary certificate “Intercultural competence in studies and career”. The …

Seeing Red - Joint research project explores the power of a color

Colors: they determine our feelings; they determine our lives. The color red seems particularly powerful. This is expressed in various fields like …
A chemist holds two perforated plates into the camera

Programming Macromolecules – How Alexander Böker moves between research and science management

High-performance fibers for fast cars, organic light-emitting diodes for flexible displays, artificial corneas for eye implants – these are only a few …
Solar eruptions taken by the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).

Weather in Space – Physicist Bernhard Kliem researches solar eruptions

They regularly appear and disappear on the Sun’s surface – sunspots indicate how active the star is. The 11-year solar cycle of the Sun includes …