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News from the University of Potsdam

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Gruppe von jungen Menschen im Kreis, in der einer in der Mitte tanzt.

„HollyHood. Hip Hop & Social Justice“ – Studentisches Filmfestival vom 7. bis 12. März im Filmmuseum

Hip Hop und soziale Gerechtigkeit stehen im Mittelpunkt des Filmfestivals „HollyHood“, das vom 7. bis 12. März im Filmmuseum Potsdam stattfindet. …
St. Nicholas' Church in Potsdam. Photo: Karla Fritze.

What to Believe In? – Non-Religiosity in East Germany

Between 2012 and 2015, Professor of Religious Studies Johann Ev. Hafner, his former colleague Professor Irene Becci, and their students visited …
Fontane in front of the Theodor-Fontane-Archiv. Photo: Thomas Roese.

Fontane.200 – How the City, State and University are Preparing for the Fontane Anniversary Year

The 200th anniversary of Theodor Fontane’s birth will occur in 2019. Experts, admirers and connoisseurs everywhere are already preparing for the …
Is doping part of sports? Photo: Fotolia/thanksforbuying.

Having the Lower Hand - Administrative investigate national anti-doping agencies

Sports supplements may be the “gateway”. When things get really bad, anabolic drugs and downers, blood boosting, or even gene doping can follow. In …
in the cardiac catheter lab. Photo: Karla Fritze

Palpitation – Stress in the cardiac catheter lab – and what can be done

Working on the “beating heart” with a conscious patient or performing exams and interventions without opening the thorax are possible thanks to …

Guido-Reger-Gründerpreis an Start-up "PerfAccT" verliehen

Potsdam Transfer vergibt alljährlich den mit € 500 dotierten Guido-Reger-Gründerpreis. Ihn erhielt das Start-up „PerfAccT“ für eine Innovation im …
The team of Milon. Photo: Karla Fritze.

The Art of Proper Stimuli - How the “MILON” team makes companies fit

“No sports!” British Prime Minister Winston Churchill – a known cigar smoker and whiskey lover – is alleged to have said this when asked how he …
Prof. Dr. Maria-Rosa Cioni. Photo: Karla Fritze.

Distant Neighbors - Astrophysicist Prof. Maria-Rosa Cioni explores the motion of galaxies

They are invisible from Europe; only in the Southern Hemisphere are they visible as bright spots in the southern sky. The Magellanic Clouds are …
The experiments investigate the movement of the tongue, among other things. Photo: Karla Fritze

The Sooner, the Better - Linguists Research Early Indicators of Developmental Language Disorders

Their vocabulary is small and expanding slowly, words are mispronounced, grammatical rules are not applied correctly – these and other symptoms in …
Dr. Markus Seyfried. Photo: Karla Fritze.

Measuring Quality – Political scientists study quality management in teaching and learning at German universities

The term is difficult to grasp but is on everyone's lips: quality management at universities. There are now numerous centers, contact points, newly …