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News from the University of Potsdam

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Dr. Markus Seyfried. Photo: Karla Fritze.

Measuring Quality – Political scientists study quality management in teaching and learning at German universities

The term is difficult to grasp but is on everyone's lips: quality management at universities. There are now numerous centers, contact points, newly …
Art discovers life in the countryside. Janna Kapustnikova: Polesien, 2012.

Out to the Countryside - Looking for the lost village

“How beautiful life in the countryside is!” one might think when looking at the idyllic depictions in magazines that arouse the wish to live there - …
The App „Zirkus Empathico“ in use. Photo: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lucke.

Of Emotions, Foxes, and a Circus - How to adjust training programs to emotions

They are a part of our lives – we invariably face them every day: emotions. The older people get, however, the more difficult it often becomes for …
Lab mouse. Photo: Fotolia/Kirill Kurashov.

Mouse-free is the way to be – Nutritional scientists develop a method to replace animal testing

It is one of the strongest neurotoxins known to man – and yet is also important for medicine. Botulinum toxin is also known as Botox and is used as an …
Maize roots. Photo: Dr. Christian Tötzke.

Rooted – Prof. Sascha Oswald visualizes plant water supply

Our vegetation is not just an essential part of the environment; we also expect its yields to feed the present and future world population, fuel …

Pure Theory – From the fascination of mathematics without figures

When Marco Benini works, then the work that he does – even if he does it with his own hands – is pure theory. The Italian, who is currently a guest …

Good Leadership in the Public Sector? – Dominik Vogel examines the behavior of public administration leaders

Ministries, district offices, and town halls – nowhere else would you less expect to find charismatic leaders who skillfully lead their employees, …
Depression is no longer on the fringes; it is a widespread disease. Photo: Fotolia/lassedesignen.

Where to Go with Depression? – Influence of Various Treatment Settings on Therapeutic Success

Depression is no longer on the fringes; it is a widespread disease. According to the Federal Ministry of Health, about 4 million people in Germany and …
Prof. Dr. Michael Lenhard. Photo: Thomas Roese.

Valuable Straw – Biologists aim to identify new regulators of leaf growth in the barley genome

It is among the most widely cultivated crops in Europe. German farmers alone produce about 10 million tons of barley each year. Its straw used to be …
Dr. Aude Noiray. Photo: Karla Fritze.

LOLA is Researching – How ultrasound and video analysis advance language research

The astronaut buckles up and slides deeper into his pilot's chair; he’s ready. Then the rocket takes off. Earth slowly disappears while Mars gets …