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News from the University of Potsdam

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Prof. Peter van der Beek. Photo: T. Schildgen.

The Ups and Downs of Mountains – Peter van der Beek, guest scientists at the University of Potsdam, obtains an ERC Advanced Grant

The internationally well-known geologist Prof. Peter van der Beek who is currently a guest professor and scientist at the Institute for Geosciences …
Photo: Mike Thornton.

“Curiosity Is the Most Important Personality Trait of a Researcher” – Philip Wigge Is Interested in How Plants Sense Temperature

When we feel cold, we get goosebumps and put on warm clothes. When it’s very hot, we start to sweat. Plants, too, sense the temperature and use this …
Photo: Andreas Töpfer.

Articles in Orbit – How a Treaty Ensures That Outer Space Is Used for the Benefit of All

There is room for everything: crewed Soyuz rockets, the ISS, many satellites, the Hubble Space Telescope, and astronauts daring a spacewalk. Outer …
Graphic: Andreas Töpfer

“Alexa, are you intelligent?” – Artificial Intelligence and What We Need It For

When you ask e-commerce giant Amazon’s virtual assistant about its intelligence, you will hear, “Yes, I think, therefore I am.” Alexa has learned …
At Potsdam’s start-up service. Photo: T. Bergemann.

PITCH – The University Creates an International Entrepreneurship Hub

The University of Potsdam is among Germany’s top universities when it comes to founding start-ups. The University has ranked highly for years in the …
Dr. Katrin Czempinski with doctorate candidates from „CropStrengthen“. Photo: Karla Fritze.

Fighting Stress with the Right Gene – A European Graduate Program Researches Crop Resistance to Stress

Five researchers from five countries, a German university, a Dutch and an Irish company – this is what a graduate program can look like today when …
Brigitte Duvinage with students in the lab. Photo: Karla Fritze.

Not without Experiments – Brigitte Duvinage prepares prospective chemistry teachers for everyday school life

The Chinese philosopher Confucius put it in a nutshell: “Tell me, and I will forget; show me, and I may remember; involve me, and I will understand.” …
Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuhlmann and Christian Schwab. Photo: Karla Fritze.

Municipal Offices – Ready for the (Digital) Future?

Administrative scientists at the University of Potsdam analyze the state of municipal offices in Germany and how digitalization is finding its way …
Ulrike Sträßner. Photo: Karla Fritze.

For the Benefit of the Dynasties – What letters tell about the rule of Brandenburg electresses in Early Modern Age

The 18th century – the heyday of letter writing – had not yet dawned. But even 100 or 200 years earlier, the elite circles of the electoral courts in …
Prof. Dr. Jana Eccard. Photo: Thomas Roese

Every Individual is Different – Biologists explore the individual behavior of small mammals

In the ancient fables of the Greek poet Aesop, animals have a character. The rural mouse is careful and has problems being around people. The urban …