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News from the University of Potsdam

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Titelblatt einer Ausgabe der Clauert-Geschichten von 1673. | Foto: Kaya Neutzer

The Eulenspiegel of the Mark – Why a Brandenburg Prankster Could Turn a Literary Genre Upside Down

Pranksters who play practical jokes on others, make (almost) everyone laugh, and get away with it, are universally known. That there is someone else …
Jonathan Weiss while monitoring GPS-Ground Motion sensors in the Andean Highlands. Photo: J. Weiss.

From GPS to geodynamics - how surface measurements help understand earthquakes and Earth structure

The primary interest of Jonathan Weiss has been to understand how mountains are built. While there are some well-established theories of orogenesis – …
Experiment in school. | Photo: AdobeStock/Syda Productions

From Football to Experiments – How Children Learn to Think Scientifically

As every pedagogue knows, people learn better when they are interested. But why is that so? And can this insight be utilized to guide children on …
Prof. Johannes Ungelenk. | Foto: Karla Fritze.

Touched by the Uncertain – Literary Scholar Johannes Ungelenk Takes Unusual Paths

To fail the reading of theoretical texts with pleasure, to write about the weather as a literary scholar and to familiarize students with the …
Paleoclimatologist Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr | Photo: Antje Horn-Conrad

Popcorn and Snail Shells – Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr Measures Climate “Pulse” with Microfossils and Statistics

Some look like popcorn, others like flattened snail shells - protozoa floating in the ocean or colonizing its ground. The microorganisms known as …
Prof. Urs. Granacher. | Photo: Karla Fritze.

Making Children Move - How does physical education classes work for elementary school children?

Children have a natural desire to move. They run, jump, and skip whenever they have the opportunity. But what if they prefer watching others doing …
The Astrophysicist Nicole Reindl. | Photo: Tobias Hopfgarten

The Future of Suns – Astrophysicist Nicole Reindl researches in the new postdoc program at the University of Potsdam

The University of Potsdam has offered 16 positions as part of its new postdoc program – with a free choice of topic. For three years, the junior …
Fluoreszenzmikroskopische Aufnahme von menschlichen Neuronen; grün: das neuronale Netzwerk, blau: die Zellkerne. | Foto: Tanja Schwerdtle.

Searching for Traces – Nutritional Scientists Want to Fill Knowledge Gaps about Trace Elements

Iodine, zinc, iron, copper, selenium, and manganese are essential trace elements our body needs in tiny quantities. Yet basic knowledge about these …
„HyperBraille“ öffnet das Internet für Blinde. | Foto: Ernst Kaczynski.

Tactile web browsing – computer scientists make online services more accessible for the blind

Quickly check your email, look up the weather forecast, or get the latest news in the morning – many people use web services daily to stay informed or …
Ausbruch des Holuhraun, 2014. | Foto: Eva Eibl.

Iceland’s Boiling Ground – how to predict volcanic eruptions earlier

In August 2014, all of a sudden the earth in Iceland shook more often and more intensely than usual. The Icelandic Meteorological Office, which …