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News from the University of Potsdam

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On the site of the future forest garden in Britz.

A Fertile Place – Three forest gardens are being created in Berlin-Britz and Kassel

The future of humankind lies in the city. Today, 57% of the world’s population is already living in cities. By 2030, it is estimated that this number …
The picture shows Alexander Wöll, Professor for the Culture and Literature of Central and Eastern Europe. The photo is from Tobias Hopfgarten.

“The current developments stand within a centuries-old tradition” – Slavist Studies scholar Prof. Dr. Alexander Wöll on the war in Ukraine

Many generations of Ukrainians have already experienced the loss of independence, says Alexander Wöll. The Professor of the Culture and Literature of …
Prof. Christian Bär

Geometry at Infinity – Mathematicians of the University of Potsdam are researching actually unimaginable things

Prof. Dr. Christian Bär holds the professorship for geometry at the University of Potsdam and investigates differential geometry and its neighboring …
Artistic View of a white dwarf merger.

Rare Stellar Wedding – Astronomers find stars covered in helium burning ashes

Astronomers of the Universities of Potsdam and Tübingen discovered puzzling star surfaces covered with carbon and oxygen which might have formed in a …
The Statue of Justice or lady justice. The photo is from AdobeStock/Aerial Mike.

“Training All Citizens to Become Socialists” – Why it is important to study the history of criminal law, or: criminal law and its political dimension

Prof. Georg Steinberg is one of three professors for criminal law and criminal procedural law in Potsdam and head of the research unit History of …
map of the electorate Brandenburg

Brandenburg 1717 – Thomas Fischbacher revives a 300-year-old state description

Thomas Fischbacher gets around a lot at the moment. He rides trains and his bicycle across Brandenburg – to the many small towns of the March, from …
Building 9 on the Campus Am Neuen Palais gets its cupola back. The photo is from Karla Fritze.

The transformation of the East German universities in the 1980s/90s: Potsdam in a comparative perspective

The Transformation of the East German Humanities: Potsdam in Comparative Perspective Lara Büchel “Transformation”, “renewal”, “colonization”: These …
House 9 of the Communs on campus "Am Neuen Palais" - now an then

“The university can learn a lot about its self-image” – A historical research project examines the transformation of East German universities using the example of the University of Potsdam

In the course of the upheaval of 1989/90, the academic landscape of East Germany also changed comprehensively and fundamentally – and avowedly along …
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mackert | Foto: Karla Fritze

Zeroing in on Science – Professor of Sociology Jürgen Mackert Supervised Several Scholars at Risk in His Working Group

Since 2015, scholars who can no longer work in their home countries because they are under threat or persecuted have had the opportunity to continue …
Helene Shani Braun | Foto: Dr. Jana Scholz

Young, Jewish, Queer – Helene Shani Braun Wants to Become a Female Rabbi – And Bring Feminism into the Congregations

A young woman hops off an e-scooter near a busy shopping street in Berlin. Around her neck she wears a necklace with the inscription "feminist." She …