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News from the University of Potsdam

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Prof. Alexander Wöll | Photo: Tobias Hopfgarten

Of defiance and the love of Slavic literature – Alexander Wöll turned his passion into his profession

Alexander Wöll is seated in front of his computer. Interviews are nothing new to him – answering questions via Zoom is, but that doesn't bother him …
The math app by Ulrich Kortenkamp is designed to help children understand the value of numbers. | Photo: AdobeStock/Dani

Hundreds in Bundles – A mathematics app to help children understand the place value of numbers

As with many other problems, the Covid-19 crisis is relentlessly exposing the digital deficits in many German schools and school systems. Even in …
Prof. Dr. iur. Björn Steinrötter. | Photo: Thomas Roese

"Do We Want Artificial Intelligence to Administer Law?" – IT and media law expert Björn Steinrötter researches legal issues of digitalization

He stands in front of students in the lecture hall, is the author of legal essays, commentaries, and manuals, and researches today’s most pressing …
Voltaire Prize recipient Dr. Gábor Polyák | Photo: Csortos Szabolcs

“Academic Work is Important for Society” – 2020 Voltaire Prize recipient Dr. Gábor Polyák on the prize and the work that followed

In January 2021, the University of Potsdam will award the Voltaire Prize for Tolerance, International Understanding and Respect for Differences” for …
Computerlinguistik-Studentin Olha Zolotarenko | Foto: Oleg Gritsenko

“The Support Offered to International Students at the University of Potsdam Is Excellent” – Computational Linguistics Student Olha Zolotarenko Talks about Studying in the First Online Semester

On the corona pandemic – contributions from the University of Potsdam

Since March 2020, everything has been somewhat different, even at the University of Potsdam. Examinations at a distance, lectures online, seminars via …
Researchers from all over the world work at the University of Potsdam. In the corona crisis, the support of the Welcome Center has become more important than ever for them. | Photo: Karla Fritze

“There is a great need to talk” – How the Welcome Center supports researchers from all over the world during the corona crisis

On the corona pandemic – contributions from the University of Potsdam

Science has been global for a long time and universities often resemble a small-scale world community. In addition to more than 2900 international …
The Chancellor of the University of Potsdam, Karsten Gerlof. | Photo: Karla Fritze

What’s next? University Chancellor Karsten Gerlof about the current corona phase and slow steps towards normalization

On the corona pandemic – contributions from the University of Potsdam

Germany is still in an exceptional state due to the corona pandemic. Now, people are slowly starting to discuss a normalization of the situation. The …
Only heroic lone wolves are currently able to exercise, and that includes University of Potsdam members. | Photo: Thomas Roese

First online, then with limited contact – Potsdam’s university sports in times of corona

On the corona pandemic – contributions from the University of Potsdam

No aerobics, no kick boxing, no Zumba. University sports, which for thousands of Potsdam students are just as much a part of the semester as lectures, …
The big reading room in the Information, Communication and Media Center (IKMZ) in Golm is currently deserted. However, university members can still access many books and other media from home. | Photo: Tobias Hopfgarten

Access to sealed treasure chambers – how the University Library supplies its users with resources despite the closure

On the corona pandemic – contributions from the University of Potsdam

Potsdam’s University Library (UB) houses more than 1.5 million printed books in its three locations and has about 1,000 reading stations with more …
Prof. Dr. Andreas Musil, Vice President for Teaching and Studies. | Photo: Karla Fritze

Fast tracking digitalization – Online teaching in times of corona

On the corona pandemic – contributions from the University of Potsdam

How can teaching be improved even further? This central question takes on a new meaning in the corona pandemic as several institutions of higher …