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News from the University of Potsdam

Selected Subject:
Künstlerische Darstellung einer numerisch-relativistischen Simulation der Verschmelzung zweier Neutronensterne mit einem Bild der bei einer Goldionen-Kollision entstandenen Teilchen.

New insights into neutron stars matter

For the first time, an international research team, including Prof. Dr. Tim Dietrich (Potsdam University/Max Planck Institute for Gravitational …
Dr. Julia Rüthemann (l.) und Prof. Dr. Katharina Philipowski (r.) im Interview. Das Foto ist von Tobias Hopfgarten.

Love in middle high german – How medieval courtly love poetry provided knowledge about courting

When you open the door to Katharina Philipowski’s office, you seem to enter into a different time. Early modern portraits and reproductions of …
Portrait von Prof. Dr. Johann Ev. Hafner. Das Foto ist von Tobias Hopfgarten.

“Religious Diversity in Northern Iraq” – A German-Iraqi Collaboration

Three researchers and nine students at the Department of Jewish Studies and Religious Studies of the University of Potsdam set off to Iraq at the end …
Portrait von Dr. Anke Geißler-Grünberg. Das Foto ist von Tobias Hopfgarten.

Rediscovering Cultural Heritage – Jewish Cemeteries in Brandenburg and Western Poland

Jewish cemeteries are among the oldest places of remembrance in many regions – including in Brandenburg. But after the widespread expulsion and …
Two working persons.

Bird’s Eye View – BIRD looks at the wealth of digital learning opportunities and connects them on a national education platform

“It is the biggest and most demanding project that I have ever done,” says Ulrike Lucke, leans back into her office chair, and blows a strand of hair …
The Researchers Dr. Paulina Tomaszewska (left), Prof. Dr. Barbara Krahé (middle) und Dr. Isabell Schuster (right). The picture is from Tobias Hopfgarten.

Sexual Aggression – Psychologist Barbara Krahé and her team want to strengthen the competencies of young adults in sexual situations

#MeToo caused a stir – not just online, but also in people’s minds. Many now interpret touch, gestures, and words as sexual assault, which they might …
Portrait von Prof. Dr. Magdalena Marszałek. Das Foto ist privat.

“The readiness to help is overwhelming” - Magdalena Marszałek on Poland’s perspective on the war in Ukraine

The Russian war of aggression has been raging in Ukraine for two months. While part of the Ukrainian population defends their country at home, others …
Dr. Hedwig Schmalzgruber

Ancient Texts Protect Our Cultural Heritage – Dr. Hedwig Schmalzgruber is on a special mission

Dr. Hedwig Schmalzgruber already discovered her passion for ancient languages and texts in Latin class as a school student. Later, she herself taught …
Udo Dannemann im Interview

A Question of Stance – How do you react to antisemitic remarks in the classroom or to racism among students at school? A model project provides answers.

Discrimination and right-wing thinking do not stop at classroom doors. It is an enormous challenge for teachers to respond to them adequately. A model …
Humboldt Fellow Dr. Anuradha Samajdar

Fascinating Universe – Humboldt Fellow Anuradha Samajdar on Analysis of Gravitational Waves

Since January 2022 Dr. Anuradha Samajdar has been a Humboldt Fellow in the Theoretical Astrophysics research group at the Institute of Physics and …