Stress Fest at the Stress Test – A visit to Prof. Dr. Pia-Maria Wippert’s laboratory
A plain and white-painted room in the historic building no. 12 at Neues Palais, one table, three chairs. Nothing suggests that things are about to get …
Back to Work Without Cardiophobia – “AmPULS” is testing a program that supports a return to the workplace following cardiovascular disease and rehabilitation
The lakeshore behind the clinic invites for a walk. The resin scent of the nearby forest, the fresh wind blowing across the water – those who come to …
Good Morning, TeachBot! – How Artificial Intelligence Could Change Teaching
Since the introduction of ChatGPT, the influence of AI on all areas of life has been the subject of heated debate. AI-assisted tools are already being …
“That would be an accolade!” – Dr. Manja Schüle, Minister for Science, Research, and Culture of the Federal State of Brandenburg, hopes that Potsdam will succeed in the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal Government
The University of Potsdam will submit three applications for the next round of the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments …
Researching Limits to Recognize Possibilities – The Collaborative Research Center 1287 investigates the “variability of language”
Undoubtedly, language is one of the most versatile tools used by humans. This is because of its variability, which manifests across all levels – from …
“Security is One of the Most Important Concerns of Society Today” – New “WaterHub” aims to facilitate the networking of research on Water water extremes
Two thirds of the Earth’s surface are covered by water. It dominates our everyday lives, even if we do not always notice it. But there is trouble if …