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WIPCAP Lecture Series: Prof. Erik-Hans Klijn, 29 June 2016, Potsdam

On 29 June 2016, Prof. Klijn gives a lecture on topic "The interplay of trust and network management in network governance"

Erik-Hans Klijnis professor at the Department of Public Administration of Erasmus University Rotterdam and visiting professor at the University of Birmingham (School of Government and Society).

His research and teaching activities focus on complex decision-making and management in networks, institutional design and Public Private Partnerships mainly in the area of environmental and housing policy. Recently his research extended to branding and the impact of media on complex decision-making.

He has published extensively in international journals and is author together with Professor Joop Koppenjan of the book Managing Uncertainties in networks (2004, Routledge) and of Branding in governance and Public Management (Routledge, 2012) together with Jasper Eshuis.

WIPCAD Lecture Series

Venue: University of Potsdam, Campus Griebnitzsee, House 7, Room 227

Date: 29 June 2016

Time: 18-20 c.t.