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WIPCAD Lecture Series: Sjors Overman, 08 June 2016, Potsdam

On 08 June 2016, Sjors Overman gives a lecture on the topic "Great expectations of autonomous agencies".

Sjors Overmanis an assistant professor in public administration at the School of Governance, Utrecht University / The Netherlands. He works on issues relating to public sector reforms and their effects on accountability. His current work concentrates on the effects of accountability regimes on strategic decisions in cultural organizations, such as museums. In his PhD-project, he analyzed the effects of delegating public tasks to semi-autonomous agencies. These effects include partial implementation of accountability arrangements, less satisfied public personnel, and blame avoidance for politicians. He has published a number of articles in journals such as Governance, Public Administration, and Public Management Review.

WIPCAD Lecture Series

Venue: University of Potsdam, Campus Griebnitzsee  House 7, Room 227
Date: 08 June 2016
Time: 12-14 c.t.