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WIPCAD doctoral fellows discuss the idea of better regulation, 28 April 2016, Potsdam

WIPCAD doctoral fellows discuss the idea of better regulation with the Federal Chancellery.

On 28 April, PhD students from WIPCAD as well as other departments from the University of Potsdam discussed the idea of better and smarter regulation with a representative from the Federal Chancellery. The meeting held at Campus Griebnitzsee covered a range of topics from the influence of international organizations such as the OECD on national regulation to the role of coordination between ministries during the development of regulations and laws that cut across the boundaries of ministries.

The representative from the Federal Chancellery's dedicated „Better Regulation Unit“ also presented the increasingly used tool of costing the effects of regulation as a way of making the consequences of a regulation more transparent. This led to a lively discussion on the different roles of politics and administration in the development of regulations and the difficulties of cost-benefit analyses. A follow-up meeting is planned.