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Call for Panels / Papers: ECPR 2016 Section "21st Century International Organizations: New Challenges and New Dynamics"

The ECPR organizing committee recently approved a section proposal put forth by WIPCAD senior member Prof. Andrea Lieseand Prof. Michael Bauer from the DFG Research Unit "International Public Administration" ( The section is part of the upcoming ECPR General Conference in Prague (7-10 September 2016).

This is a call for panels or individual papers to be presented within one of the section panels. The deadline is 15 February 2016.

  • <link http: myecpr forms _blank up-external-link consortium for political>Click here to propose a panel with papers.
  • <link http: myecpr forms _blank up-external-link consortium for political>Click here to propose an individual paper.

The section welcomes panel and paper proposals on all aspects of the design, impact, and changing landscape of international organizations. We invite contributions that advance theoretical and conceptual frameworks for the study of international organizations (IOs) and international public administrations (IPAs) as well as empirical contributions that analyze IOs and IPAs as actors in global politics and in international policy-making in comparative or systemic perspective. The section chairs encourage submissions bringing together a diverse set of theoretical and methodological approaches, including Panels and Papers building bridges between International Relations, Public Administration, and Public Policy and bringing new methods to the study of international organizations.

Already accepted panels include the following. If you are interested in presenting a paper in one of these panels, please contact the panel chairs directly:

  • Panel 1: The Autonomy of International Organizations (Michael Bauer, Jörn Ege, University Speyer)
  • Panel 2: Changing finances of international organizations (Ronny Patz, LMU Munich)
  • Panel 3: Authority of international bureaucracies (Per-Olof Busch, Andrea Liese, Potsdam University)
  • Panel 4: International bureaucracies and security governance (Hylke Dijkstra, Maastricht University; Steffen Eckhard, LMU Munich)
  • Panel 5: Representativeness in International Organizations (Michal Parízek, Charles University in Prague)

For more information on the section see here.