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27 Oct 2015 – Guest Lecture ”Beyond the Veil” – Human Rights and Gender in Arab Contexts

The Chair of WIPCAD member Professor Theresa Wobbe for Sociology of Gender kindly invites to a guest lecture held by Gihan Abou Zeid.

Gihan Abou Zeid is an Egyptian human rights researcher and practitioner located in Egypt. She is head of the Egyptian Women Union and editor of Al Maktaba Al Seya-seya, a monthly book series published by the Egyptian Ministry of Culture. She worked for several institutions on national and international level. Her fields of research connect Arabic Human Rights issues with gender and adolescents. Gihan Abou Zeid will adress the tension between women rights given by religion and by law, present other factors that shape the social relations in the Arabic context and talk about women in public spaces in Arabic countries. She emphasizes the different degrees of inequality between Arabic countries, that are a clear indicator of variation
within the region. To give an overview of Gihan Abou Zeid's work a few publications were selected:

  • “Tahrir squire women“, Arab research centre, Lebanon. Published book (2015)
  • “Women between Civic inclusion and Religious Exclusion”, a case study, Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, IDEA, Sweden. Published (2012)
  • “Arab Adolescents and Human Rights Values”, regional study, Centre of Arab Woman for Training and Research (CAWTAR). Published (2010)
  • "The Role of the European Union in Democracy Building: The Impact on Women’s Political Participation in the Arab World", report, IDEA, Sweden. Published (2009)
  • "Introducing Quotas in Africa: Discourses in Egypt", paper, IDEA, Sweden. Published (2006)

The lecture is part of two seminars: ”Contextualizing Gender & Social Change” and ”Human Rights”.

Please send your registration to: Emil Herrling eherrlinuni-potsdamde

27 Oct 2015, 4pm – 6pm
University of Potsdam, Campus Griebnitzsee, Building 6, Room S24

Invitation as pdf