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Ina Radtke stays at the University of Bergen, Norway

Ina Radtke was awarded a visiting researcher grant from the E.ON programme for political science to stay in Norway at the Uni Rokkan Centre and the Department of Administration and Organization Theory at the University of Bergen from 5 March until 31 May 2015. The department’s status as a leading institute in administrative research and its strong focus on neo-institutionalism as well as its expertise on administrative and organisational change offered a fruitful environment for theoretical input on her chosen topic. Ina’s PhD project aims to analyse organisational change within coordination in reform processes. She was able to benefit from research experiences of colleagues at the department in Bergen as they share an understanding of the necessity to analyse actors’ behavior and institutions as mutually influencing entities. In particular, the meetings of the research group “Political Organization and Multi Level Governance” were an important opportunity to refine her theoretical focus.

With her empirical focus on immigration reforms, the Uni Rokkan Centre, and in particular the research group “Democracy, Welfare and Public Administration” widened Ina’s perspective with its interdisciplinary approach to the study. Furthermore and in collaboration with Tord Skogedal Lindén and Karsten Vrangbæk (University of Copenhagen), she finalised a comparative analysis of the inclusion of social actors in asylum regulation in Norway, Denmark and Germany which will form part of her article-based dissertation.
