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Workshop Series on “Qualitative Organizational Research” – spring 2015

In 2015, WIPCAD Member Prof. Maja Apelt, in cooperation with WIPCAD, is offering a Workshop Series on “Qualitative Organizational Research” ("Qualitative Organisationsforschung") which is open to young researchers who are interested in discussing selected qualitative research methods with known experts. Two of the scheduled workshops are in English, the others in German.

Program (pdf-download)


Dates in spring 2015:

February 20, 2015: Prof. Dr. Werner Vogd: "System- und Kontexturanalyse - Ein Vorschlag für rekonstruktive Sozialforschung in organisationalen Zusammenhängen"

March 20, 2015: Andreas Häberle: "Capture the collective collectively - Focus group discussions in the context of comparative international research" Cancelled

April 17, 2015, Dr. Katja Hericks: " 'Und was haben Sie denn jetzt so beobachtet?' - Vereinnahmungen und Abgrenzungen in der Ethnographie"



Registration and contact: Stefanie Büchner (stefanie.buechner[at]

Deadline for registration is one week before the event. Course fee is 15 EUR per workshop (free of charge  for WIPCAD members).