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January 2015 - Basanta Thapa participated in Conferences

From 16-18 January 2015, WIPCAD doctoral fellow Basanta Thapa participated in the 7th Junior Researcher’s Conference of the German Association for Asian Studies at the Burg Rothenfels to present the paper, “Ambivalent civil society in democratic consolidation − Local chambers of commerce and industry in the Visayas and North Mindanao”, a summary of his master thesis.

He also attended the conference of the working group on interest groups in the German Political Science Association (DVPW) on the subject of “Protest, opposition and fragmentation in interest groups” at the University of Siegen from 22-23 January 2015. He presented a study about internal criticism in German Chambers of Trade and Industry (DIHK) (“IHK, Pest der deutschen Wirtschaft – Argumentationsmuster der internen Kritik an den Industrie- und Handelskammern in Deutschland“).

Basanta Thapa