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Call for Applications: PhD Course on Local Public Sector Reforms, Sept 29 - Oct 2 2014, Siena / Italy

This 2nd COST Action “LocRef” PhD-Training School is dedicated to the theme “Re-building Trust in Local Governments: Re-thinking Politics, Management and Governance in the Post-NPM Era.” The Training School will take place in Siena, Italy from September 29 to October 02. Local organizer is Prof. Dr. Riccardo Mussari, University of Siena.

The course addresses early stage researchers (PhD students and PhDs + 8 years) from disciplines such as administrative science, law, economics, public management, sociology, political science or history interested in the overall topic.

Course aims:

The course is intended to provide training in theories and methods to be applied in the study of local public sector reforms and democracy, especially in comparative perspectives. The Training School will focus on democratic reforms and new instruments of citizen participation (e.g. referenda, direct election of mayors). In addition, it concentrates on New Public Management (NPM) reforms that were targeted towards marketization, privatization and ‘corporatization’ as well as the more recent ‘Post-NPM’ reforms, which were often aimed at correcting the shortcomings of earlier NPM measures. Finally it will include the more nationally driven territorial and functional reforms (municipal amalgamations, decentralization) that have been fuelled, in part, by recent austeritymeasures and the hopes of national policy makers that such reforms will facilitate economies of scale.

Like in the last years’ Training School, the COST Action ‘LocRef’ offers a grant to 24 participants to (co-)finance their expenditures. The grant will be a lump sum of 700.- € for participants fromoutside Italy and 450.-€ for participants fromItaly. Application deadline is June 30, 2014. A possibility to earn credit points is also guaranteed.


For more information about the Training School (content/schedule):

Professor Riccardo Mussari, University of Siena:

For more information about the COST Action ‘LocRef’:

Professor Sabine Kuhlmann, University of Potsdam:
sabine.kuhlmann[AT] or at

For more information about EUROLOC, EURA and the ECPR Standing Group LOGOPOL:

Professor Angelika Vetter, University of Stuttgart:

or visit