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Call for Papers: Ninth Annual Graduate Conference in Political Science, International Relations & Public Policy, 11-13 December 2013, Jerusalem / Israel

Applications for presentation in the conference are invited from graduate students and recent PhDs in the fields of Political Science, International Relations and Public Policy, as well as from Politics and Law, Political History, Political Economy, Political Geography, Political Philosophy, Political Psychology, Political Sociology and Political Communication.

Three tracks for participation are offered:


On the main day of the conference – December 12th, 2013 – a series of ninety-minute panels will take place, each consisting of the presentation of three/four papers followed by discussion and comments from senior faculty members. Graduate students are invited to submit abstracts (see guidelines below), on the basis of which the organizers will establish the themes of the panels. All submissions should represent original research. Submissions of organized full panels by groups of three to four students are encouraged. If your proposal is part of an organized panel, please indicate this on the application form. While the panels will mostly be in Hebrew, Israeli students should be prepared to present their papers in English.


This track consists of a variety of research workshops, each focusing on a specific pre-determined theme (listed below). While individual workshop formats may vary, each paper will be thoroughly discussed by all the participants. Consideration for this highly-competitive track is based on the submission of an abstract (see guidelines below). Because the number of participants in each workshop is limited, the workshop leaders will choose those proposals most suited to the workshop and which show most promise.

Submissions should represent original research. All workshop participants must submit a full- length paper ahead of the workshop, read the papers of the other participants, and take an active part in the workshop. Workshops usually run a full day or a day and a half. Participants are committed to attend the workshop proceedings throughout this time.


This year, additional workshops in methodology and professional skills are offered. As with the research workshops, the methodology workshops require an intensive commitment as specified in the call for participants. The methodology workshops will be conducted a day before the main day in order not to overlap with the other research workshops/panels.

All workshop members are required to take an active part in the workshop. These workshops are intended largely for students participating in the main conference events, and students are encouraged to apply for other tracks as well.

Best Paper Award

A committee comprised of leading Israeli scholars in the fields of Political Science, International Relations, and Public Policy will select the best paper presented at the conference. Papers submitted via email by midnight November 20, 2013 will be considered for the award. Co-authored papers may be submitted on condition that all the authors are graduate students. The length of the paper should not exceed 10,000 words (including bibliography and footnotes). Although PhD dissertations and MA theses are not eligible for the competition, papers based on these may be submitted.

Submission Guidelines

Application forms are available on the conference website. They should be submitted as soon as possible and no later than October 20, 2013. Please note that you must choose between the panel and research workshops track. Abstracts for the panel track may be submitted in Hebrew or in English (250 words). Workshop abstracts must be submitted in English (350 words).

Applicants will be notified by October 30, 2013 regarding acceptance of their paper. Upon acceptance, registration for the conference (including payment) should be completed by November 7, 2013. After this date, late registration fees will be incurred. If you wish to be considered for a partial/full waiver of conference fee, please contact the conference's organizers no later than November 4, 2013. Applicants for the Best Paper Award should submit their papers no later than November 20, 2013. All papers should be sent to discussants and workshop leaders by December 1, 2013.

More information: http.//