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A Minor Cosmopolitan Intervention – Conference 8-10 May 2025

Centered on the themes of repair and collaboration, the final event of the minor cosmopolitanisms research training group offers an overview of nine years of transdisciplinary interventions while looking toward the future.

The event seeks to facilitate experimental collaborations across disciplines, based on the RTG's core values of conviviality, geopolitical decentering, and social commitment. During its nine years of activity, the RTG has sought to establish new ways of studying and understanding the cosmopolitan project against and beyond its Eurocentric legacies while addressing the systemic violence within historically colonial institutions. Building on the RTG’s previous events Minor Cosmopolitan Weekend at the HKW (2018) and Minor Cosmopolitan Assembly at silent green (2022), this final event engages with Berlin-based organizations and communities that critique and actively resist (neo)colonialism in its myriad forms.

What kinds of repair might (still) be possible in an increasingly volatile planet, with escalating environmental, military, economic and social crises threatening non/human lives and life worlds? As a word, “repair” might suggest radical interventions oriented toward emancipatory transformation; a return to the stasis of normative structures and states; temporary or ephemeral restorative periods; or the kinds of mundane, quotidian maintenance (metabolic and structural) necessary for the continuation of life. Through lectures, panels, talks, workshops and roundtables, the Minor Cosmopolitan Intervention experiments with reparative and collaborative interventions in doing, undoing, and redoing the cosmopolitan project.

The event is organized by the RTG minor cosmopolitanisms with funding from the DFG (German Research Foundation).

Event Type


Subject Field

Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Graduiertenkolleg "Minor Cosmopolitanisms"
Philosophische Fakultät
Wissens- und Technologietransfer


Philosophische Fakultät


08.05.2025, 14:00
10.05.2025, 22:00


RTG minor cosmopolitanisms Universität Potsdam Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Freie Universität Berlin


Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Institut für Europäische Ethnologie (HU), Spore Initiative
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin


Graduiertenkolleg Minor Cosmopolitanisms
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam

Phone: 0331/977-4106