Postdoc Appreciation Week 2024: “Identifying Current Challenges to Improve Future Prospects for Postdocs”
It is time to highlight the current situation of postdocs. There could not be a better time than during the Postdoc Appreciation Week for that! We invite postdocs and everybody interested in this topic to a networking event. It will focus on the current professional situation, as well as on career perspectives, the wishes, and demands for a long-term improvement of professional development opportunities for postdocs.
This event - moderated by Dr. Jan-Martin Wiarda - includes panel discussions with changing topics and participants. Contributions as well as the participation of the audience are explicitly encouraged.
Dr. Heike Küchmeister und Dr. Katharina Lüning, in Kooperation mit Dr. Jan-Martin Wiarda
Registration and Costs
Yes , Register until 08.09.2024
Event Type
Subject Field
Wissenschaftliche Qualifizierungsphase
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More Information
Postdoc Network Brandenburg
Universität Potsdam, Campus III - Griebnitzsee, Haus 6 / Hörsaal 1
August-Bebel-Straße 89
14482 Potsdam
August-Bebel-Straße 89
14482 Potsdam
Dr. Heike Küchmeister, Dr. Katharina Lüning
August-Bebel-Straße 89, Haus 7, Raum 1.24
14482 Potsdam
August-Bebel-Straße 89, Haus 7, Raum 1.24
14482 Potsdam
Phone: 0331 977-1855