Honorary colloquium for Prof. Christoph Kreitz
Prof. Dr. Christoph Kreitz has been the chair of theoretical computer science at the University of Potsdam since 2003.
On the occasion of his turning emeritus in April 2024, his team invites you to an honorary colloquium.
There will be contributions from some of Christoph's scientific colleagues, as well as from representatives of the Institute of CS, the Faculty of Science, the CS Student Council, and the Theoretical CS team.
We will have a small champagne reception afterwards.
The on-site event will take place at the Department of Computer Science (Campus Golm, Building 70, Room 0.11) on Friday, March 22, 4 p.m.
If you would like to participate via Zoom, please contact tim.richteruuni-potsdampde for the dial-in details.
The event will be held in English.