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Berlin-Brandenburg Data Competence Center QUADRIGA

Schriftzug Quadriga und Grafik Pferd
Source : PoGs/Canva

QUADRIGA, the new Berlin-Brandenburg data competence center for digital humanities, administrative science, computer science and information science, is dedicated to dealing confidently with data in an increasingly digitalized world. The joint project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Research with around three million euros, is led by a project team from the University of Potsdam, which includes Prof. Ulrike Lucke and Dr. Evgenia Samoilova from the Chair of Complex Multimedia Application Systems at the Institute of Computer Science. Project partners are the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, the Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF Film University, Fraunhofer FOKUS, the Free University of Berlin, the Humboldt University of Berlin, the Technical University of Berlin and the German Computer Science Society. The project, which will initially run for three years, brings together research, learning and networking locations through data-based case studies and educational offerings.


Online editorial

Tim Richter