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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

n this research area, we focus on various aspects of obsessive-compulsive symptomatology and its modification through psychotherapeutic interventions.

Imaginative Rescripting for the Modification of Disgust

This study examines whether thoughts and emotions that arise when we confront a disgust-inducing situation can be modified through imagination. Participants listen to a vivid description of a situation and observe their thoughts and feelings. In the online study, participants answer various questions about their experience of the situation.

Cooperation: Prof. Dr. Jakob Fink-Lamotte, Claudia Meißner (Psychological Psychotherapist)

Contact: Lea K. Hobrecker (Study Implementation), PD Dr. Franziska Kühne (Study Supervision), OSF:

Typical Situations in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

This project aims to develop an instrument that assesses the aspects of obsessive-compulsive symptomatology that change as a result of psychotherapy, as well as those that remain unaffected. Typical situations related to different areas of OCD are presented separately to patients, who provide their ratings, which are subsequently evaluated by experienced clinicians. The findings of the initial pilot study are summarized in a poster presentation. Further research is currently underway.

Contact: Lea K. Hobrecker, Sina Lamberth (Study Implementation), PD Dr. Franziska Kühne (Study Supervision),  OSF: