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Hazel Başköy
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Hazel Başköy

Hazel Başköy is a doctoral student in the Department of Sociology and a PhD candidate at the University of Potsdam. In her dissertation, she investigates the processes of dispossession in the context of internal forced displacement and urban transformation in the Kurdish region, based on a case study of Diyarbakır’s Sur district. Her research aims to analyze the dispossession process which took place in Diyarbakır-Sur during the 2015-2016 period when thousands of people were displaced from the city as a result of the armed conflicts and the curfew making their lives unbearable.

She received her MA in Economics program at Anadolu University (Eskişehir, 2015), where she worked on the impact of flexible labor market policies on wage and profit.

Kontakt: hazelbaskoygmailcom


Research Interests

  • migration and refugee studies
  • dispossession theory
  • urban sociology
  • diverse economy
  • labor studies




  • 2017: The Impact of Flexible Labour Market Policies on Wage and Profit: A Comparative Country Analysis, Çalışma ve Toplum, 3(54),1507 - 1544. (in Turkish) (with Yılmaz Kılıçaslan)


  • 2015: The Impact of Flexible Labour Market Policies on Wage and Profit: A Comparative Country Analysis for the Period of 1998-2008, 18-20 August 2015, IRES, Torino, Italy. (with Yılmaz Kılıçaslan)
  • 2018: The Process of Dispossession Through Forced Displacement: The Example of Diyarbakır Suriçi, 28-30 September 2018, CUDES, İstanbul, Turkey
  • 2019: The Impact of Internal Displacement on the Labor Market: Monograph of Diyarbakır-Turkey, 2-4 May 2019, CUDES, Nicosia, Cyprus


Co-organized Conferences

  • 2016: 7. ICOPEC: International Conference of Political Economy, June 28-30, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • 2017: 8. ICOPEC: International Conference of Political Economy: Institutions, National Identity, Power, and Governance in the 21st Century, June 28-30, Belgrade, Serbia.
  • 2017: 6. CUDES: International Congress on Current Debates in Social Sciences, December 14-16, Istanbul, Turkey.
Hazel Başköy
Photo: Private