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Claim of UPtransition: Equal Opportunities - New Perspectives
Photo: Rodion Kutsaiev, Unsplash

Qualification program for more diversity & career orientation opportunities

Many students experience disadvantages or discrimination. UPtransition is committed to diversity, equality and inclusion at the University of Potsdam. To this end, UPtransition offers students a qualification program for professional orientation and creates new jobs for student assistants (WHKs).

The program is explicitly aimed at all:

  • first-generation students,
  • BiPoC,
  • students with a history of migration,
  • refugees,
  • LGBTQIA* students,
  • international students,
  • students with health restrictions (physical and mental),
  • students with care responsibilities or children
  • and all other students who face challenges.

Participation in the UPtransition program includes workshops on career-related topics, individual consultations and networking events for joint reflection. We also create new jobs for research assistants within the university. These are offered by participating chairs and university institutions and are only accessible to program participants (see student jobs (WHK)).

We value diversity - which is why we want to listen carefully and take every individual challenge seriously.

How can I participate in the program?

UPtransition is aimed at all students who experience disadvantages and/or have experienced discrimination/racism and who are confronted with special challenges that make studying or a part-time job even more difficult. If you are the first person in your family to study, have a history of migration or if you are a refugee, if you identify as a Person of Color, as non-binary or queer, if you have health restrictions, care for relatives, have children or have come to the University of Potsdam as an international student, we cordially invite you to participate in our qualification program.

We are aware that we have not covered all dimensions of possible discrimination or disadvantage here, so we refer you to the Anti-discrimination Guidelines of the University of Potsdam and are always open to individual discussions. For more information on diversity and anti-discrimination measures at the University of Potsdam, please visit the website A University Free of Discrimination.


May 4, 2025

Online application until May 4, 2025

The application for participation in the qualification program is possible twice a year. After receiving your application, we will provide you with feedback. Click here to apply online.

May 9, 2025

UPtransition kick-off on May 9, 2025

Save the date: The binding kick-off for the new round will take place on Friday, 9 May from 10 am to 2 pm. If you would like to apply, please keep this date available.

Podcast mit Anne Klinnert von UPtransition

UPtransition in the podcast “We are UP”

Anne Klinnert answers many questions about diversity and career entry as a guest on the University of Potsdam podcast. Thank you for the invitation and have fun listening! The podcast is in German.

Insights UPtransition

Review kick-off 1st & 2nd round

What do networking and diversity look like at UPtransition? Our photo gallery offers impressions from the kick-off of the first and second round – a welcoming introduction with many valuable insights.

How is the program structured?

The UPtransition program includes workshops, a network, counseling, WHK jobs and at the end there is a certificate for all participants.
Picture: Career Service | Icons: The Noun Project
Weißes Kompass-Icon auf lila Hintergrund


During the program, you will take part in several workshops on the topic of career orientation as well as a diversity training.

Network Icon


We hold regular network meetings on professional and lifestyle-related topics to promote exchange within the group.

Counseling Icon


In individual consultations, we work together to identify your individual strengths and interests and find ways to put them to good use.

Laptop Icon

Student jobs (WHKs)

We work together with chairs and institutions at the University of Potsdam and create new jobs for program participants there.

Certificate icon


At the end of the one-year program, you will receive a meaningful certificate of participation from us, which you can use for future applications.

For chairs & institutions

Do you have an idea for an innovative project with students in your field? But you don't have the necessary resources for a student assistant (WHK) to implement it? Do you want to promote equal opportunities and diversityat the University of Potsdam and give students an insight into working in a scientific or science-related professional field? Then join the UPtransition qualification program as an institution or chair.

Conditions for cooperation within the university

Anne Klinnert

Project coordinator UPtransition

Anne Klinnert


Campus Am Neuen Palais
House 22, room 1.04

Lennart Hölscher

Project evaluation UPtransition

Lennart Hölscher


Campus Am Neuen Palais
House 22, room 1.04

Alica Bremer

Research associate

Alica Bremer


Campus Am Neuen Palais
House 22, room 1.04

Sabrina Ferling

Research Assistant

Sabrina Ferling


Campus Am Neuen Palais
House 22, room 1.04


The project "UPtransition - Qualification Program for a Successful Transition from Bachelor to Master or Career in the State of Brandenburg" is funded by the European Union and the state of Brandenburg.