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Workshops UPtransition

Looking for good input? Diversity training & workshops
Picture: Career Service

The one-year qualification program UPtransition consists of a diversity training course and four workshops on professional orientation or qualification. You can choose from a wide range of events, seminars or training courses at the University of Potsdam, as long as they are related to the topics mentioned above. We will be happy to advise you individually to find suitable workshops for your profile. Here is a brief overview of exemplary offers:

13.01.2025The Job InterviewCareer Service

Legal aspects of the job entry in Germany

Career Service
07.02.2025Diversity Workshop Career Service
10.-14.03.2025Career WeekColleges and universities in Berlin and Brandenburg


You can independently book seminars, training courses and workshops from university institutions for the qualification program. We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you individually in your search for suitable offers.

The events should be at least partially interactive (no lectures), relate to the topics of career orientation, professional qualification and diversity and last longer than 2 hours.

Career Service events generally meet these criteria, otherwise the following institutions regularly offer new events: