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Group picture showing the NamTip project members and stakeholders
Three people collecting a soil core in a dry savanna rangeland
A Phd student collecting a soil seed bank sample and another PhD student holding a drone in her hand with a savanna rangeland in the background
A group of communal farmers in the process of playing a boardgame on the strategic use of natural resources
A group of cows on a sandy soil in a dry environment
NamTip consortium

NamTip project members and stakeholders at the Kick-Off Meeting in March 2024 | Photo: Lisa-Maricia Schwarz

Soil scientists at work

NamTip scientists collecting soil samples to assess rangeland health | Photo: Thomas Bringhenti

Soil seedbank and remote sensing

PhD students collecting soil seedbank samples and flying drones to estimate forage quantity | Photo: Ndamonenghenda Hamunyela, Vistorina Amputu

NamSed serious game

Communal farmers show their decision-making in game sessions simulating socio-ecological shocks | Photo: Hleni Heita

Livestock farming

Climate change strongly affects livestock farming in dryland areas | Photo: Gunnar Dreßler

Cooperative Project in GlobalTip: NamTip - A Namibian Perspective on Desertification Tipping Points in the Face of Climate Change

Logo of NamTip project
Picture: NamTip

In the NamTip project, scientists and stakeholders collaborate closely to gain a better knowledge on the development of socio-ecological tipping points (TPs), including their ecological and social drivers, and to explore management options for preventing TPs or restoring ecosystems that have passed a desertification tipping point (DTP) or the alternative TP of woody plant encroachment. Special emphasis is laid on understanding the role of climate change for TP behavior. Finally, gained knowledge is integrated using modelling for scenario development, as well as stakeholder-specific capacity development and knowledge transfer.

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the NamTip project within the framework of the Strategy "Research for Sustainability" (FONA) under the funding code 01LC2321A-F.

Logos of BMBF and FONA