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Simran Chopra was just awarded the Young Investigator Award from the German Center of Diabetes Research (DZD)! Congratulations!


We have very exciting news to share! PhD candidate Simran Chopra and Postdoc Robert Hauffe will be traveling to this years conference of the American Diabetes Association! Their abstracts were accepted and they will have the great opportunity to present their work at the biggest conference in the field of diabetes research, which is held this year in Orlando, Florida between June 21.-24.


Between 04.-06.03. our PhD candidate Sahar and Master student Linda will be representing us at this years conference of the German Society of Nutrition (DGE) in Kassel. Be sure to catch their poster presentations!


Congratulations to Linda Kadiri, who has succesfully defended her Masters Thesis. We are pleased to announce that she will stay at our lab to pursue her PhD!


Congrats to Robert Hauffe, who was granted funding from the EDUC-Share program from Potsdam University. They aim to facilitate cooperation between european universities and provide him with funding to collaborate with scientists from the University of Sardinia, Italy in a joint project.

Exciting news! Our PhD student Simran Chopra will be giving an oral presentation at this years meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes. Listen to her talk in October in Hamburg!

Foto: DDG


Congratulations to our Postdoc Robert Hauffe! He was one of three young scientists who received an award of the German Diabetes Society (DDG) for their doctoral thesis.

Foto: DDG

Congrats to Mareike Schell on having her Paper accepted for publication! Check out her findings on the effects of Lactobacilli on Depressive-Like behaviour in obesity here.

The group members of the MEM lab at this years Potsdam Science Day


The MEM Lab showed great enthusiasm at this year's Potsdam Science Day. Thanks to everyone involved, we had great discussions and engagement with the public!

The group members of the MEM lab at this years Potsdam Science Day


A warm welcome to our two new Students Anina and Nele, who join our Lab to work on their Bachelor Thesis


Congrats to Wilson Agyapong, who has just defended his Master thesis!


Congratulations Mareike Schell! She has just defended her PhD thesis where shad had shown how a Lactobcillus treatment affects emotional behaviour in diet-induced obesity.

Dr. Mareike Schell's next station is the Biddinger Lab at the Boston Children's Hospital in Boston, USA. We wish her all the best for her future research endeavours!  


Das NutriTox Seminar beginnt wieder am 10. Oktober 2022!

Folgende Termine stehen bereits fest:

  • 10.10.22: Zach Hynes (University of Copenhagen),  "Age-associated mitochondrial myopathy drives bioenergetic compensation and glucose re-routing to defend muscle homeostasis"
  • 17.10.22: Elias Arner (Karolinska Institute Stockholm), "The Thioredoxin System as a regulator of metabolism"
  • 07.11.22: Cristina García-Cáceres (HMGU München), "How does the brain know what you've eaten?"
  • 14.11.22: Mollie K. Meffert (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine), "Growth Regulatory Gene Programs in Neurodevelopment and Plasticity"
  • 21.11.22 David Hodson, University of Oxford, "Interrogating pancreatic beta cell states from the single cell to the single molecule"
  • 28.11.22: TBD
  • 5.12.22: Jan Mauer, Novartis Career Talk
  • 12.12.22: Alexander Bartelt (LMU München),  "Nutrient sensing in adipocytes and cardiometabolic health"
  • 23.01.23: Sophie Laye (NutriNeuro Bordeaux), Title TBD


Das MEM Team im vollen Einsatz beim Tag der offenen Türen im Potsdam Science Park. Weitere Informationen hier.


Our PhD student Simran Chopra had the great opportunity to present her current research at the International Congress on Neuroendocrinology in Glasgow.


We welcome Sahar Cheshmeh to the MEM Lab!
She was awarded a scholarship from the Potsdam Graduate School and will perform her PhD thesis with us.


Mareike Schell had the great opportunity to present her PhD work at this year's Scientific Sessions of the ADA (American Diabetes Association) in New Orleans, USA. We congratulate her on this acievement and hope to see more of her work in upcoming events!


Our PhD student Simran Chopra just had her abstract accepted to present a poster during this year's  International Congress of Neuroendocrinology held August 7-10 in Glasgow, Scotland. Looking forward to your presentation!

DDG/Dirk Deckbar


Congratulations to Robert Hauffe, PhD graduate of the Kleinridders Lab! He was just awarded a price for his dissertation by the German Diabetes Association (Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft DDG). The DDG honors up to three outstanding dissertations in the diabetes field each year. Read more here.

DDG/Dirk Deckbar


Congrats to Michaela Rath and Robert Hauffe, who have just published their paper "Obesity Hinders the Protective Effect of Selenite Supplementation on Insulin Signaling" in Antioxidants.

Read all about how pre-existing obesity precludes beneficial effects of a selenite supplementation here.


We are happy and proud to announce that our PhD candidate Simran Chopra has received a poster price for her poster presentation at this years conference of the German Society of Nutrition (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung, DGE)! Congratulations! Read more here.


A warm welcome to Frank Müller, starting his masters thesis in our lab!


Congratulations to Nicholas Baah Kwao, who has succesfully defended his Masters thesis today!

Emmanuel Richard Agyakwa Addo


Congratulations to Richard Addo, who has succesfully defended his Masters thesis today!

Emmanuel Richard Agyakwa Addo


Welcome Wilson Agyapong, new Master student in our lab!

New Seminar Series at the Institute of Nutritional Science: Nutrition&Toxicology: “NutriTox” Starting at 16.08 at 4pm. Always via Zoom Please visit https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/mem/nutritox-seminarreihe For upcoming lectures
Foto: A. Kleinridders

Wir freuen uns eine neue Seminarreihe am Institut für Ernährungswissenschaften ankündigen zu können: Nutrition & Toxicology : “NutriTox”

Beginn am 16.08.2021 um 16:00
Immer via Zoom
Eine Übersicht der nächsten Vorträge findet sich unter: https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/mem/nutritox-seminarreihe

Nach dem 45 minütigen Vortrag wird es jeweils die Möglichkeit eines Roundtables mit der/dem Vortragenden geben (Wissenschaft, Karriere, Networking)
Anfragen zur Teilnahme am  Votrag und/oder dem Roundtable bitte an: idiessel@uni-potsdam.de

New Seminar Series at the Institute of Nutritional Science: Nutrition&Toxicology: “NutriTox” Starting at 16.08 at 4pm. Always via Zoom Please visit https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/mem/nutritox-seminarreihe For upcoming lectures
Foto: A. Kleinridders
Reduction of HSP60 in mice increases adipose tissue insulin resistance, leads to increased autophagy and basal glucose uptake, finally decreaseing overall fat mass and body weight.,
Foto: R. Hauffe


Congrats to Robert Hauffe and all contributors for his new paper "HSP60 reduction protects against diet-induced obesity by modulating energy metabolism in adipose tissue"! Find out how reduced mitochondrial folding capacity impacts adipose tissue and whole-body metabolism in the latest issue of Molecular Metabolism here

Reduction of HSP60 in mice increases adipose tissue insulin resistance, leads to increased autophagy and basal glucose uptake, finally decreaseing overall fat mass and body weight.,
Foto: R. Hauffe
Lower HSP10 signal after knockdown in the hypothalamus
Foto: K.W.


Congrats to Kristina Wardelmann and all contributors for her new publication "Central Acting Hsp10 Regulates Mitochondrial Function, Fatty Acid Metabolism, and Insulin Sensitivity in the Hypothalamus"! Out now in the special issue "Antioxidants in Diabetes" of the Journal Antioxidants. Find out more here.

Lower HSP10 signal after knockdown in the hypothalamus
Foto: K.W.
Announcement for the lecture of Ignacio Torres Alemán on the 24.03.2021, 13:00. Topic: An IGF-1/orexin pathway in the body-brain dialog
Foto: DIfE


Save the date!

We are happy to announce that Ignacio Torres Alemán will join us for the Rehbrücker Kolloquium on the 24.03.2021 at 13:00 to talk about "An IGF-1/orexin pathway in the body-brain dialog".
The lecture will take place online, details will follow. 

Announcement for the lecture of Ignacio Torres Alemán on the 24.03.2021, 13:00. Topic: An IGF-1/orexin pathway in the body-brain dialog
Foto: DIfE
Picture of Nicholas Kwao
Foto: self


Welcome Nicholas Baah Kwao, new Master student in our lab!

Picture of Nicholas Kwao
Foto: self
Picture of Neslihan Oztas
Foto: self

We welcome Neslihan Oztas to the MEM Lab!
She will perform her PhD thesis here and is interested in understanding sex-specific differences in neuronal insulin action.

Picture of Neslihan Oztas
Foto: self
Untangling the effect of insulin action on brain mitochondria and metabolism
Foto: s.o.


Congrats to Mareike Schell and Kristina Wardelmann to their new review "Untangling the effect of insulin action on brain mitochondria and metabolism".

Untangling the effect of insulin action on brain mitochondria and metabolism
Foto: s.o.
Picture of Richard Addo
Foto: self


Welcome Emmanuel Richard Agyakwa Addo, new Master student in our lab!

Picture of Richard Addo
Foto: self
We welcome Simran Chopra to the MEM lab
Foto: self


We welcome Simran Chopra to the MEM lab. Simran will perform her PhD thesis about the investigation of novel causes of brain insulin resistance.

We welcome Simran Chopra to the MEM lab
Foto: self