Elina Rubertus
PhD Candidate
Campus Golm
Building 29, Room 2.07
Linguistics Department
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam
by appointment
About Me
It was probably my passion for music and singing that first arouse my interest in speech and language. Observing and accompanying four bilingual children during my time as Au-Pair further let me get a glimpse of the beauty of language acquisition and stimulated my fascination for it.
After I enriched the theoretical knowledge I gained during my bachelor studies with practical experience from internships and my master studies, I started my PhD at LOLA to learn more about the development of speech production during childhood.
In my project, I record tongue movements of three- to nine-year-old children as well as adults to investigate how coarticulation changes across age and what might be the driving forces for those developments. Currently, I’m working on a possible link between literacy acquisition and coarticulation degree.
Research Projects
Phonological competition in English children
The effect of structural, frequency, and probabilistic characteristics on preschoolers’ speech planning
Development of coarticulation in German children 3 to 8 years of age
2015: M.Sc. Experimental and Clinical Linguistics (Uni Potsdam)
Master Thesis: Speech planning in preschoolers’ picture naming
2013: B.Sc. General Linguistics (Uni Potsdam)
Bachelor Thesis: The effect of syllable structure and phonological competition in English-speaking children
Research Experience
Internship in the SPAN group: Prof. Louis Goldstein & Pr. Shri Narayanan (Language Acquisition & Real-Time MRI)
Student research assistant: PD. Dr. Frank Kügler (Phonology)
Student research assistant: Dr. Aude Noiray (Language Acquisition)
Internship in the SpeechLab: Prof. Dr. Adamantios Gafos (Articulatory Phonology)
Technical experience
Ultrasound imaging
Acoustic analyses in PRAAT
Acoustic analyses, experiment running and basic programming in MATLAB
Statistical analyses in R
Administering and scoring various developmental assessments
Recent teaching
Winter semesters 2015/2016; 2016/2017; 2017/2018; 2018/2019; 2019/2020: B.Sc. Linguistics & B.Sc. Computerlinguistics
Lecture: Introduction to Language Acquisition
Summer semester 2016, 2017: B.Sc. Linguistics & B.Sc. Computeringuistics
Seminar in Language Acquisition: Production
04-12.2020: Completion scholarship of the Potsdam Graduate School
2017: Student Award, International Phonetic Association (IPA) for presenting at PaPE 2017, Cologne
2016: Award for the year’s best graduates of the Faculty of Human Sciences at University of Potsdam
2015: Student Support Award for presenting at Ultrafest VII, Hong Kong
Peer-reviewed journals
Noiray, A. Ries, J., Tiede, M., Rubertus, E., Laporte, C, & Ménard, L. (2020). Recording and analyzing kinematic data in children and adults with SOLLAR: Sonographic & Optical Linguo-Labial Articulation Recording system (SOLLAR). Laboratory Phonology, 11(1), 14. DOI
Rubertus, E., & Noiray, A. (2020). Vocalic activation width decreases across childhood: evidence from carryover coarticulation. Laboratory Phonology, 11(7).
Noiray, A., Popescu, A., Killmer, H., Rubertus, E., Krüger, S., & Hintermeier, L. (2019). Spoken language development and the challenge of skill integration. Frontiers in Psychology, section Language Sciences. DOI
Noiray, A., Wieling, M., Abakarova, D., Rubertus, E. & Tiede, M. (2019). Back from the future: nonlinear anticipation in adults and children´s speech. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62(8S), 3033–3054.
Rubertus, E. & Noiray, A. (2018). On the development of gestural organization: A cross-sectional study of vowel-to-vowel anticipatory coarticulation. PLOS One. DOI
Noiray, A., Abakarova, D., Rubertus, E., Krüger, S., & Tiede, M (2018). How children organise their speech in the first years of life? Insight from ultrasound imaging. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, (61), 1355-1368. DOI
Conference proceedings
Rubertus, E., Popescu, A., & Noiray, A. (2020). Development of coarticulation: comparing modalities in beginning readers. International Seminar on Speech Production, Providence, December.
Rubertus, E., Noiray, A. (2020). Anticipatory and carryover coarticulation share a similar origin: evidence from child speech. International Seminar on Speech Production, Providence, December
Rubertus, E., & Noiray, A. (2017). The role of the tongue control maturation for V-to-V coarticulation. Speech Motor Control, Groningen, July 7th, December.
Rubertus, E., Abakarova, D., Ries, J., & Noiray, A. (2017). Comparing coarticulatory directions in German children, Phonetics and Phonology in Europe, PaPE, Cologne.
Noiray, A., Abakarova, D., Rubertus, E., & Ries, J. (2017). On the domain of intra-syllabic coarticulation in German children. Abstraction, Diversity, and Speech Dynamics, Munich, May 3rd.
Rubertus, E., Ries, J., & Noiray, A. (2017). V-to-V coarticulation direction in children and adults: An ultrasound study. Abstraction, Diversity, and Speech DynamicsMunich, May 3rd.
Rubertus, E., Abakarova, D., Ries, J., & Noiray, A. (2016). Anticipatory V-to-V Coarticulation in German Preschoolers. Proceedings of Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum, Munich, Oct 12.
Noiray, A., Abakarova, D., Rubertus, E., Mooshammer, C. (2016). Lexical and phonological effects on word planning in English children. Labphon 15, Ithaca, July 13th.
Noiray, A., Rubertus, E., Mooshammer, C. (2016). Phonological competition in young learners of English. Labphon 15, Ithaca, July 13th.
Rubertus, E., Abakarova, D., Ries, J., Tiede, M., Noiray, A. (2015). Development of coarticulation in German children: Acoustic and articulatory locus equations. Ultrafest VII, Hong Kong, Dec 8-10.
Rubertus, E., Noiray, A., & Mooshammer, C. (2015). The effect of structural, frequency and probabilistic characteristics in preschoolers’ speech planning. Proceedings Workshop on Infant Language Development, Stockholm, Sweden, p. 155.
Invited talks, oral presentations at conferences
July 2017: The role of the tongue control maturation for V-to-V coarticulation. Oral presentation at Speech Motor Control, Groningen.
March 2017: The development of V-to-V coarticulation in German: An ultrasound study. Invited talk by Prof. Dr. Goldstein and Prof. Dr. Narayanan (USC, Los Angeles).
January 2017: Anticipatory V-to-V coarticulation in German children and adults: An ultrasound study. Oral presentation at 5th International Winter School on Speech Perception and Production, Chorin.
October 2016: Anticipatory V-to-V coarticulation in German preschoolers. Oral presentation at Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum.