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Eingeladene Talks und Workshops

Fink-Lamotte, J. & Salazar-Kämpf, M. (2024) Open Science for PI Workshop. Was held at the 3rd Deutscher Psychotherapiekongress in Berlin.

Fink-Lamotte, J. & Salazar-Kämpf, M. (2024) Open Science for Beginners Workshop. Was held at the 3rd Deutscher Psychotherapiekongress in Berlin.

Gollwitzer, M., Schuber, A.-L., Fink-Lamotte, J. & Hüffmeier, J. (2024). DGPs-Open Science for PI Workshop. Held online on May, 20th.

Fink-Lamotte, J. (2024). Face your social fears: Sei net zu dir und kenne deine Werte! Poster was presented at the Potsdam Tag der Wissenschaften.

Fink-Lamotte, J. (2024). From basic to applied research on disgust-associated disorders. Invited talk was presented for the symposia at the Fliedner Clinic Berlin.

Fink-Lamotte, J. (2024). Eine Studie zu Zusammenhängen von Social Media Aktivität, Depressivität, sozialer Angst und Scham an der Voltaireschule Potsdam.

Fink-Lamotte, J. (2024). From basic to applied research on disgust-associated disorders. Invited talk was presented for the research lab meeting of the Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy working group at the University of Trier

Fink-Lamotte, J. (2023). Science Slam im Waschhaus, Potsdam

Fink-Lamotte, J. (2023). Science Slam auf dem Fakultätsfest der Humanwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Potsdam.

Fink-Lamotte, J., & Stierle, C. (2023). Der Umgang mit Ekel – Ein breiter therapeutischer Ansatz. Workshop was  given at the 2nd Deutscher Psychotherapie Kongress in Berlin.

Fink-Lamotte, J. (2022). Translational perspectives of changing pathological emotional experiences on the example of disgust: the issue of external validity. Talk was given at the Conference Challenges and Future Directions of Translational Research in Clinical Psychology, Munich, Germany; September, 1-2

Fink-Lamotte, J. (2021). Ekel erkennen und verändern: Theorien und Strategien. Workshop was given at the Conference of the German Society of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders, Leipzig, Germany; September, 24 – 25.

Fink-Lamotte, J., & Stierle, C. (2020). Dealing with disgust – ideas for a broader therapeutic approach. Workshop was given at the Conference of the European Association of Behavioral Cognitive Therapy (EABCT), Athens, Greece; September, 2 – 5. https://osf.io/gdv4k/

Fink, J. (2019). Improving exposure therapy and understanding maintenance mechanisms of OCD. Invited talk was presented for the research lab meeting of the Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy working group at the University of Potsdam. https://osf.io/qs7xc/

Fink, J. (2019). Improving exposure therapy and understanding maintenance mechanisms of OCD. Invited talk was presented for the research lab meeting of the Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy working group at the LMU Munich. https://osf.io/hmy53/

Fink, J. (2016). Insights in the emotion of disgust. Invited talk was presented for the research lab meeting of the Developmental Psychology working group at the University of Leipzig. https://osf.io/m5xse/

Postgraduale Lehre an anderen Institutionen

Veranstaltungen am Leipziger Ausbildungsinstitut für Psychotherapie, und Ausbildungsinstituten/Hochschulambulanzen der Universität Trier und der LMU München (seit 2021):

  • Seminar „Umgang mit dem Therapieende“ (10 UE)
  • Seminar „Soziale Angststörungen“ (15 UE)
  • Seminar „Vorbereitung auf die Approbationsprüfung“ (5 UE)
  • Seminar „Somatisierungsstörungen“ (15 UE)

Weitere postgraduale Lehre

  • Seminare „Obsessive Compulsive Disorder“, “Dealing with Disgust and Shame” and "Successful therapy termination" (20 UE)(jeweils 10 UE) am Institute of Psychotherapy and Psychotraumatology (IPP), Duhok, Iraq, seit 2021