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Open Science


The vision of the working group is to promote science as a global public good. Scientific knowledge, data and expertise must be universally accessible and their benefits must be shared. The practice of science must be inclusive and equitable, including in terms of opportunities for scientific education and capacity building.

Our Workgroup Plan

We try to implement open science practices wherever possible and have summarised our ideas into a simplified and shortened workgroup plan (in Germanin English)

Stellungnahmen/Kommentare/Mitgliedschaften (Statements/Comments/Memberships)

  • Fink-Lamotte, J.1, Hilbert, K.1, Bentz, D., Blackwell, S., Boehnke, J. R., Burghardt, J., Cludius, B., Ehrenthal, J. C., Elsaesser, M., Haberkamp, A., Kräplin, A., Paret, C., Schulze, J., Wilker, S., & Niemeyer, H. (2024). Response to responsible research assessment I and II from the perspective of the DGPs working group on open science in clinical psychology. Meta-Psychology, 8. https://doi.org/10.15626/MP.2023.3794
  • JFL war von 2023 bis 2025 Mitglied in der Open Science Kommission der DGPs 
  • JFL war von 2023 bis 2025 mit Dr Helen Niemeyer (FU Berlin) Leiter der AG Open Science der Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie in der DGPs
  • Lueken, U., Fink-Lamotte, J., Christiansen, H., Deisenhofer, A.-K., & Schneider, S. (2022). Replikationskrise, p-hacking und Open Science – Eine Umfrage zu fragwürdigen Forschungspraktiken in studentischen Projekten und Impulsen für die Lehre: Ein Kommentar der Sprecher:innengruppe der DGPs-Fachgruppe Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie. Psychologische Rundschau, 73(1), 26-28. https://doi.org/10.1026/0033-3042/a000567
  • Stellungnahme “Anreize für Open Science schaffen!“

Geleitete Workshops (Presented Workshops)

Fink-Lamotte, J. & Salazar-Kämpf, M. Open Science for PI Workshop. Was held at the 3rd and will be held at the 4th Deutscher Psychotherapiekongress in Berlin (Slides)

Fink-Lamotte, J. & Salazar-Kämpf, M. Open Science for Beginners Workshop. Was held at the 3rd and will be held at the 4th Deutscher Psychotherapiekongress in Berlin.

Gollwitzer, M., Schuber, A.-L., Fink-Lamotte, J. & Hüffmeier, J. (2024). DGPs-Open Science for PI Workshop. Held online on May, 20th.