Lilla Zsuzsanna Kiss [PhD student]
I am a PhD student with a background in biomathematics, exploring ecology from a mathematical, theoretical perspective. In my current research project, I study species coexistence through gleaner—opportunist trade-offs within structurally, spatially and evolutionarily extended communities.

Lilla Zsuzsanna Kiss
Campus Botanischer Garten
Universität Potsdam
Ökologie und Ökosystemmodellierung
Maulbeerallee 2, Haus 2, Raum 3.02
14469 Potsdam
Scientific career
2023— Doctoral studies, supervised by Dr. Toni Klauschies and Prof. Dr. Ursula Gaedke
2020—2023 M.Sc. Biomathematics at University of Greifswald
Thesis: Coevolution of seed size and dispersal propensity (at University of Helsinki)
2017—2021 B.Sc. Biomathematics at University of Greifswald
Thesis: Effects of interconnectance on the response to nutrient enrichment in a mathematical food web model (at IGB Berlin)